All Combating Wildlife Trafficking Documents
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CWT Fail Forward Regional Event: Session 2 Slide Deck
In Spring 2023, the USAID Combating Wildlife Trafficking (CWT) Collaborative Learning Group launched the Fail Forward video case competition.
CWT Fail Forward Regional Event: Session 1 Slide Deck
In Spring 2023, the USAID Combating Wildlife Trafficking (CWT) Collaborative Learning Group launched the Fail Forward video case competition.
Announcing the Winners of the Combating Wildlife Trafficking Fail Forward Video Competition
USAID's Combating Wildlife Trafficking (CWT) Learning Group is delighted to announce the winners and honorable mentions from the first-ever Fail Forward video case competition.
Combating Wildlife Trafficking Learning Agenda
To increase the effectiveness of commonly applied strategic approaches in Combating Wildlife Trafficking (CWT) programming, the CWT Collaborative Learning Group has updated its Learning Agenda originally published in 2017.
Interagency Cooperation New Practice Note: Webinar Slides
In 2022, Global Wildlife Program published a Guidance Note on the Lessons Learned and Good Practices in Strengthening National Inter-Agency Coordination to Combat Wildlife Trafficking.
Monitoring and Evaluating Online Wildlife Trade and Demand Reduction Campaigns Summary
In September 2021, the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Combating Wildlife Trafficking Learning Group hosted a peer-to-peer learning exchange on wildlife demand reduction programs.
Monitoring and Evaluating Online Wildlife Trade and Demand Reduction Campaigns
In September 2021, the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Combating Wildlife Trafficking Learning Group hosted a peer-to-peer learning exchange on wildlife demand reduction programs.
Gender and Illegal Wildlife Trade A Summary of Recent Evidence
The gender dynamics of the illegal wildlife trade are not well understood.
Transboundary Cooperation to Combat Wildlife Trafficking
In October 2021, the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Combating Wildlife Trafficking (CWT) Learning Group hosted a peer-to-peer learning exchange on transboundary cooperation to combat wildlife trafficking.
Lessons Learned from Working with the Judiciary to Combat Wildlife Trafficking
There is an understood need to build capacity for the effective detection, investigation, prosecution, and adjudication of wildlife crimes.
Vicious Circle: Wildlife Trafficking in Brazil
New report spotlights Brazil’s widespread wildlife trafficking Illegal wildlife trade in Brazil undermines conservation efforts and economic growth, but poor data collection and co-ordination hamper enforcement efforts.
Combating Wildlife Trafficking Learning Group: What We Have Learned
The Combating Wildlife Trafficking Collaborative Learning Group has learned a great deal over the course of multiple years of intentional learning activities.
Webinar Slides: Can Enterprises Conserve the Cotton Top Tamarin and Improve Human Development in Colombia?
The cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) is a critically endangered primate species found only in the tropical dry forests of northern Colombia.
People Not Poaching
People Not Poaching is a joint initiative by IUCN, IIED, and TRAFFIC to compile case studies on community engagement to combat wildlife trafficking.
Anti-Wildlife Trafficking Application Toolkit SPANISH
La aplicación Wildlife Sentinel es una versión móvil de un formulario de reportes seguro desarrollado exclusivamente para que el personal del sector de la aviación proporcione información a CSI.
Anti-Wildlife Trafficking Application Toolkit PORTUGUESE
O aplicativo Wildlife Sentinel é uma versão móvel de um formulário de relatório seguro desenvolvido exclusivamente para o pessoal do setor de aviação fornecer informações ao CSI.
Webinar Presentation: Working with the Judiciary – Lessons from Central America
Each event in the 2021 CWT Learning Series will feature speakers from USAID and partners, to share lessons learned about common strategic approaches applied to reduce wildlife trafficking and provide opportunities for peer to peer learning.
Webinar Presentation: Interagency Coordination Best Practices
Each event in the 2021 CWT Learning Series will feature speakers from USAID and partners, to share lessons learned about common strategic approaches applied to reduce wildlife trafficking and provide opportunities for peer to peer learning.
Webinar Presentation: Transboundary Cooperation Knowledge Harvest
Each event in the 2021 CWT Learning Series will feature speakers from USAID and partners, to share lessons learned about common strategic approaches applied to reduce wildlife trafficking and provide opportunities for peer to peer learning.
Reducing Demand for Wildlife Products: What We Have Learned from USAID Activities
To improve biodiversity program effectiveness at USAID, the Combating Wildlife Trafficking (CWT) Learning Group developed a learning agenda in 2016 and has since conducted a program of peer to peer learning and events focused on several key learning questions.