Lessons from a Multi-Pronged Approach to Reduce Wild Meat Consumption: USAID Zambia Eastern Kafue Nature Alliance
The Eastern Kafue Nature Alliance is bringing public, private, and civil society actors together with local communities to address threats to biodiversity in and around the eastern side of the park. Strategies include strengthening sustainable natural resource use in game management areas and facilitating market access for both ecotourism and natural resource value chains. This case study details the Alliance’s work to enhance the capabilities of community scouts to prevent illegal activities, while also monitoring law enforcement efforts and wildlife population trends to assess and adjust strategies. By supporting effective prosecutions and appropriate sentencing, they aim to deter illegal wild meat consumption.
In 2022, USAID collected this case study, as part of a series that looks at USAID-funding activities from around the world. The case study provides a snapshot of the activity and how it addresses the questions posed in the Wild Meat Learning Agenda. For more information on how the Zambia Eastern Kafue Nature Alliance has progressed see the following resources:
- Transformative Partnerships for People and the Planet
- Lessons Learned from USAID/Zambia’s Integrated Approach to Biodiversity Conservation
- STORIES IN AFRICA: Zambia’s Eastern Kafue Nature Alliance
- Impact Evaluation Feasibility Assessment of the USAID/Zambia Eastern Kafue Nature Alliance Activity
More information and resources about USAID’s approaches to addressing unsustainable wild meat demand are available at USAID’s Wild Meat Collaborative Learning Group. The information provided in the case study series does not necessarily represent the views or positions of USAID or the U.S. Government.