Webinar Presentation: Wild meat consumer segmentation in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
In this webinar, Dr. Alegria Olmedo shares her work on wild meat consumer analysis in Vietnam. Her work in the field of illegal wildlife trade has focused on demand reduction campaigns in Vietnam, particularly the use of celebrities as behavior influencers and most recently on the consumption of pangolin products and wild meat in Ho Chi Minh City. Her research has endeavored to identify consumers and build understanding of target audiences to explore how consumption behavior can be addressed.
Webinar Presentation: Wild meat consumer segmentation in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
In this webinar, Dr. Alegria Olmedo shares her work on wild meat consumer analysis in Vietnam. Her work in the field of illegal wildlife trade has focused on demand reduction campaigns in Vietnam, particularly the use of celebrities as behavior influencers and most recently on the consumption of pangolin products and wild meat in Ho Chi Minh City. Her research has endeavored to identify consumers and build understanding of target audiences to explore how consumption behavior can be addressed.