Environment, Biodiversity, Water, and Tropical Forest Conservation, Protection, and Management in Panama: Assessment and Recommendations
LAC - 118/119 Report - Panama BIODIVERSITY AND TROPICAL FORESTRY ASSESSMENT OF THE USAID/PANAMA PROGRAM The current report aims to assess: The current status of tropical forests and biodiversity in Panama. The major threats to tropical forests and biodiversity in Panama. How USAID/Panama activities and investments are likely to contribute to or adversely affect tropical forestry and biodiversity conservation. How opportunities for program synergy among the strategic objectives can contribute to tropical forests conservation and biodiversity. Other issues and opportunities for USAID assistance that match the mission’s overall strategy. BIOFOR IQC No. LAG-I-00-99-00014-00, Task Order #824 Prepared in 2004.
Environment, Biodiversity, Water, and Tropical Forest Conservation, Protection, and Management in Panama: Assessment and Recommendations
Tracey Parker,Julieta Carrión,Rafael Samudio
Location: Panama
LAC - 118/119 Report - Panama BIODIVERSITY AND TROPICAL FORESTRY ASSESSMENT OF THE USAID/PANAMA PROGRAM The current report aims to assess: The current status of tropical forests and biodiversity in Panama. The major threats to tropical forests and biodiversity in Panama. How USAID/Panama activities and investments are likely to contribute to or adversely affect tropical forestry and biodiversity conservation. How opportunities for program synergy among the strategic objectives can contribute to tropical forests conservation and biodiversity. Other issues and opportunities for USAID assistance that match the mission’s overall strategy. BIOFOR IQC No. LAG-I-00-99-00014-00, Task Order #824 Prepared in 2004.