
Gender and Shifting Population Trends in Protected Areas in the Dominican Hinterlands The Implications of Female Outmigration for Conservation in the Cordillera Central

Gender and Shifting Population Trends in Protected Areas in the Dominican Hinterlands The Implications of Female Outmigration for Conservation in the Cordillera Central

Author(s): Rose Hessmiller

Publication Date: 2001

Location: The Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic


By Matthew McPherson and Timothy Schwartz, 2001, Office of Women in Development, U.S. Agency for International Development (WIDTECH) This document investigates skewed sex-ratios favoring males and explores how gender analysis can provide an opening into a broader and more in-depth understanding of the conservation process in the Hispaniolan Pine ecoregion of the Cordillera Central of the Dominican Republic. 3-33.pdf

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