Gobernancia Correcta, Pueblos Indigenas, y Conservacion de la Biodiversidad: Recomendaciones para mejorar los resultados a traves de los sectores.
184 Cultural and biological diversity are both facing the same threats from poor governance. This creates many opportunities for donors to simultaneously improve governance and conserve diversity through synergistic interventions. This publication suggests policy, operational and institutional reforms that can improve the performance and enhance the results of these interventions. date: 2001 Authors: Alcorn, Janis B. Biome: Xeric Formations. Program: Asia and the Pacific
Gobernancia Correcta, Pueblos Indigenas, y Conservacion de la Biodiversidad: Recomendaciones para mejorar los resultados a traves de los sectores.
184 Cultural and biological diversity are both facing the same threats from poor governance. This creates many opportunities for donors to simultaneously improve governance and conserve diversity through synergistic interventions. This publication suggests policy, operational and institutional reforms that can improve the performance and enhance the results of these interventions. date: 2001 Authors: Alcorn, Janis B. Biome: Xeric Formations. Program: Asia and the Pacific