Study on the Development of Transboundary Natural Resource Management Areas in Southern Africa
70 BSP's Transboundary Project designed to assess opportunities and constraints for TBNRM development in Southern Africa with a key focus on using collaboratuve natural resource management to enhance or maintain ecosystem function and biodiversity conservation in large-scale natural systems in transborder areas. This 8-page publication presents key findings from this project. Author: Biodiversity Support Program
Study on the Development of Transboundary Natural Resource Management Areas in Southern Africa
Biodiversity Support Program
Location: South Africa
70 BSP's Transboundary Project designed to assess opportunities and constraints for TBNRM development in Southern Africa with a key focus on using collaboratuve natural resource management to enhance or maintain ecosystem function and biodiversity conservation in large-scale natural systems in transborder areas. This 8-page publication presents key findings from this project. Author: Biodiversity Support Program