Study on the Development of Transboundary Natural Resource Management Areas in Southern Africa COMMUNITY PERSPECTIVES
69 BSP's Transboundary Project designed to assess opportunities and constraints for TBNRM development in Southern Africa with a key focus on using collaboratuve natural resource management to enhance or maintain ecosystem function and biodiversity conservation in large-scale natural systems in transborder areas. Date: 1999. Author: Simon C. Metcalfe. Program: Africa and Madagascar
Study on the Development of Transboundary Natural Resource Management Areas in Southern Africa COMMUNITY PERSPECTIVES
Simon C. Metcalfe
Location: South Africa
69 BSP's Transboundary Project designed to assess opportunities and constraints for TBNRM development in Southern Africa with a key focus on using collaboratuve natural resource management to enhance or maintain ecosystem function and biodiversity conservation in large-scale natural systems in transborder areas. Date: 1999. Author: Simon C. Metcalfe. Program: Africa and Madagascar