Economic Growth/Livelihoods Projects and Activities Asia

Title Description Subject Controlled Vocabulary CreationDate Type
Agenda - Southeast Asia KatoombaXVII Meeting in Vietnam Agenda - Southeast Asia KatoombaXVII Meeting in Vietnam Agenda for Southeast Asia Katoomba XVII meeting entitled "Katoomba XV11 Taking the Lead: Payments for Ecosystem Services in Southeast Asia" in Hanoi Vietnam, June 23-24 2010 ['Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Sustainable Land Management', 'Asia', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Community-based Forest Management (CBFM)', 'USAID', 'CBNRM', 'Payments for Ecosystem', 'Co-Management'] Nov 28, 2011 09:12 PM File
Conservation Enterprises Learning Brief: Assessing the Core Assumption that Enterprise Benefits Promote Conservation Attitudes and Behaviors - Summary of Resources Conservation Enterprises Learning Brief: Assessing the Core Assumption that Enterprise Benefits Promote Conservation Attitudes and Behaviors - Summary of Resources One of the core assumptions in a theory of change for supporting conservation enterprises is that the benefits–both monetary and non-monetary—participants receive promote desired attitudes and behaviors toward biodiversity conservation. This brief summarizes select resources that have more systematically assessed how increased benefits have led to attitudes and behavior change. In taking a closer look at these studies, conservation enterprise teams should reflect on how they might contribute to the evidence base for this key assumption. ['Biodiversity', 'Technical Brief', 'Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning', 'Behaviors Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Attitudes Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Assessment', 'Benefit Sharing', 'Africa', 'Latin America and the Caribbean', 'Asia', 'Terrestrial Ecotourism', 'Other Businesses', 'Crops', 'Livestock', 'Sustainably Harvested Fish and Shellfish', 'Conservation Enterprises Resources', 'CE Learning Group Resources', 'Resources', 'Learning Group'] Mar 16, 2023 02:23 PM File
Democratising forest business: a compendium of successful locally controlled forest business organisations Democratising forest business: a compendium of successful locally controlled forest business organisations The main purpose of this book is to present 19 case studies from 14 developing countries that show how local people have been democratising forest business. By this is meant the process of asserting collective local control through ownership and management arrangements so that the integrated needs of families, communities and indigenous peoples remain central to the business operation. ['Brazil', 'Non-Cash Benefits', 'Community Forest Management', 'Latin America and the Caribbean', 'Nepal', 'Governance', 'Ethiopia', 'CE Community Resources', 'Market Demand', 'Laos', 'Bolivia', 'Burkina Faso', 'Resources', 'Technical Capacity', 'Stakeholder Alignment', 'Forest Communities', 'Forest Based Industries and Products', 'Guatemala', 'Community Involvement in Forest Management', 'Ownership', 'Profit Potential', 'Thailand', 'Biodiversity', 'Business Alliances', 'Gambia', 'Philippines', 'Indonesia', 'RMP', 'Policies for Enterprises', 'Communities', 'Vietnam', 'Asia', 'Increased Income for Participants', 'Forest Enterprises', 'Cambodia', 'Financial Management Capacity', 'Diversification', 'Mexico', 'Africa', 'Agroforestry', 'Library', 'Access to Credit Capital', 'Community Enterprises', 'FRAME', 'CE Community'] Nov 16, 2016 04:43 PM File
Enhanced Coastal Fisheries in Bangladesh II (ECOFISH II) Fact Sheet Enhanced Coastal Fisheries in Bangladesh II (ECOFISH II) Fact Sheet ECOFISH II enables fisher households to diversify livelihood options, which will reduce the community’s dependency on marine and coastal natural resources and significantly improve community-led biodiversity conservation, adaptive co-management, marine fisheries management, and megafauna conservation. ['Biodiversity', 'Marine Conservation and Fisheries', 'ECOFISH', 'Bangladesh', 'Asia'] Nov 28, 2023 09:19 PM File
Final draft results of UBC/FERU’s analysis of the scale, form, and impacts of DWF on national fisheries and fisherfolk for Asia and the Pacific Islands Final draft results of UBC/FERU’s analysis of the scale, form, and impacts of DWF on national fisheries and fisherfolk for Asia and the Pacific Islands The University of British Columbia’s Fisheries Economic Resource Unit (UBC/FERU) was commissioned to help implement USAID's Distant Water Fleet (DWF) Research Agenda. Through analysis of the Sea Around Us database, a literature review, and expert interviews, UBC/FERU researchers have characterized interactions between DWF and domestic fishing activities in selected geographies. These results were discussed further in a webinar on July 5, 2022. ['Marine Conservation and Sustainable Fisheries Webinars', 'Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Final Report', 'Marine Conservation and Sustainable Fisheries', 'Asia and the Pacific', 'Asia'] Mar 30, 2023 05:07 PM File
Hariyo Ban II Fact Sheet Hariyo Ban II Fact Sheet Building on the accomplishments and learnings of Phase I, the Hariyo Ban II program works to address and minimize biodiversity threats and climate vulnerabilities in Nepal, by improving conservation management and increasing ecological and community resilience in key biodiverse landscapes. ['Biodiversity', 'Hariyo Ban', 'Fact Sheet', 'Forestry', 'Nepal', 'Asia'] Jul 28, 2023 03:10 PM File
Operationalizing the Environment Health Nexus in Asia and the Pacific: A Policy Guide on Opportunities for Enhancing Health, Biodiversity, Food System and Climate Action Operationalizing the Environment Health Nexus in Asia and the Pacific: A Policy Guide on Opportunities for Enhancing Health, Biodiversity, Food System and Climate Action This policy guide aims to support policymakers and stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific region to address environment-health risks and safeguard human health and well-being while protecting ecosystems. Specifically, it provides an overview of concrete opportunities to mainstream the environment-health nexus in public policies in Asia and the Pacific. ['Biodiversity', 'One Health', 'Guidelines', 'Asia', 'Oceania', '2022', 'Governance/Management', 'Human Well-Being', 'Ecosystem Health'] Jul 12, 2023 07:25 PM File
Participant Feedback: The Scale, Form, and Impacts of Distant Water Fishing Fleets on National Fisheries and Fisherfolk: Asia and the Pacific Participant Feedback: The Scale, Form, and Impacts of Distant Water Fishing Fleets on National Fisheries and Fisherfolk: Asia and the Pacific During this interactive event, held on June 29, 2022, the University of British Columbia’s Fisheries Economic Resource Unit (UBC/FERU) shared the final draft results of their characterization of DWF activities in Asia & the Pacific. Webinar participants were invited to share their input to refine the final results through geographically-focused small group discussions. During the session, each group provided feedback, captured on a virtual whiteboard. ['Marine Conservation and Sustainable Fisheries Webinars', 'Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Marine Conservation and Sustainable Fisheries', 'Asia and the Pacific', 'Asia'] Mar 30, 2023 04:54 PM File
Sustainable Interventions for Biodiversity, Ocean, and Landscapes (SIBOL) Sustainable Interventions for Biodiversity, Ocean, and Landscapes (SIBOL) The SIBOL project helps the Philippine government improve governance and sustainable management of natural resources and reduce environmental crimes. USAID will support efforts to conserve the country’s rich biodiversity while improving the livelihoods of Filipinos whose incomes depend upon these natural resources. ['Forestry', 'Project', 'Forest Projects', 'Asia'] Apr 14, 2022 05:25 PM Custom Link
The Role of Social Vulnerability in Improving Interventions for Neglected Zoonotic Diseases: The Example of Kyasanur Forest Disease in India The Role of Social Vulnerability in Improving Interventions for Neglected Zoonotic Diseases: The Example of Kyasanur Forest Disease in India Forest-based communities manage many risks to health and socio-economic welfare including the increasing threat of emerging zoonoses. Drawing on a survey of 229 households and a interviews in the Western Ghats, this research examines the factors affecting vulnerability of smallholder and tribal households to Kyasanur Forest Disease, an often-fatal tick-borne viral hemorrhagic fever endemic in south India. ['Biodiversity', 'One Health', '2023', 'Infectious Disease', 'Human Well-Being', 'Research', 'Asia'] Jun 30, 2023 09:19 PM File
USAID Bersama Kelola Perikanan (Ber-IKAN) USAID Bersama Kelola Perikanan (Ber-IKAN) The Ber-IKAN activity supports the Government of Indonesia in protecting its marine biodiversity by supporting sustainable and equitable management of fisheries. USAID Ber-IKAN will help improve fisheries management by applying an ecosystem approach to fisheries management and promoting investments that expand market access for the target fisheries and strengthen the livelihoods of fishing communities, including small-scale fishers. ['Project', 'Marine and Fisheries Projects', 'USAID', 'Fisheries Management', 'Asia'] Nov 14, 2023 03:00 AM Custom Link
USAID Cambodia Green Future Fact Sheet USAID Cambodia Green Future Fact Sheet The USAID Cambodia Green Future Activity works to empower Cambodian citizens and civil society with the knowledge and skills to use evidence-based communication systems to influence positive actions to support biodiversity conservation, forest protection, and broad sustainable natural resource management. ['Biodiversity', 'Cambodia', 'Communication', 'Forest Ecosystems', 'Fact Sheet', 'Project', 'Asia', 'Forestry'] Dec 13, 2022 05:28 PM File
USAID Cambodia Morodok Baitang Fact Sheet USAID Cambodia Morodok Baitang Fact Sheet Morodok Baitang is a five-year activity to conserve Cambodia’s unique biodiversity, reduce land-based sources of carbon emissions, and improve accountable and equitable economic development. This project will foster sustainable, equitable economic growth that contributes to Cambodia’s national development goals. ['Biodiversity', 'Cambodia', 'Fact Sheet', 'Economic Growth/Livelihoods', 'Asia'] Apr 10, 2024 06:06 PM File
Wet Market Biosecurity Reform: Three Social Narratives Influence Stakeholder Responses in Vietnam, Kenya, and the Philippines Wet Market Biosecurity Reform: Three Social Narratives Influence Stakeholder Responses in Vietnam, Kenya, and the Philippines In 2020, Covid-19 led to global policy statements promoting bans and reforms to wet markets in Asia and Africa to prevent future pandemics. This report describes a comparative, exploratory qualitative study in 2021 in three countries (Kenya, Vietnam and the Philippines) to understand the social and political dimensions to biosecurity reform at wet markets. This included 60 key informant interviews and rapid ethnographic research in 15 markets, as well as a review of policy documents and online media articles. ['Biodiversity', 'One Health', 'Research', 'Africa', 'Asia', '2023', 'One Health Highlighted Resources', 'Infectious Disease', 'Governance/Management'] Dec 01, 2023 08:14 PM File
WildHealthNet: Supporting the Development of Sustainable Wildlife Health Surveillance Networks in Southeast Asia WildHealthNet: Supporting the Development of Sustainable Wildlife Health Surveillance Networks in Southeast Asia Wildlife and wildlife interfaces with people and livestock are essential surveillance targets to monitor emergent or endemic pathogens or new threats affecting wildlife, livestock, and human health. However, limitations of previous investments in scope and duration have resulted in a neglect of wildlife health surveillance systems at national and global scales, particularly in lower and middle income countries. ['Biodiversity', 'One Health', '2022', 'Infectious Disease', 'Human Well-Being', 'Ecosystem Health', 'Research', 'Asia'] Jul 12, 2023 06:51 PM File
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