
A Sourcebook for Community-Based Forestry Enterprise Programming

A Sourcebook for Community-Based Forestry Enterprise Programming

Author(s): USAID

Publication Date: 2020


This Sourcebook aims to inform design and implementation of community forestry interventions that seek to deliver social, environmental, and economic outcomes in developing countries. Community forestry enterprises are potentially a key element in environmental management. Successfully implemented, they promote improved landscape-level ecosystem services, biodiversity conservation, and community income generation better than many alternative land uses. Hence, in many situations these enterprises lead to better environmental outcomes than government or private-sector management.

The Sourcebook draws on the USAID ProLand Community-Based Forestry Enterprise (CBFE) Assessment, which collected and synthesized the “state of knowledge” on enabling conditions for establishing and maintaining CBFEs (ProLand, 2018). This ProLand Assessment reviewed the available literature, especially recent meta-studies of community forestry and CBFEs; analyzed 22 case studies for characteristics of CBFE success; and reported on 18 key informant interviews that provide qualitative depth to, and perspectives on, specific aspects of CBFEs. The Sourcebook also incorporates findings from field visits to Indonesia, Mexico, and Peru, which verified key aspects of the assessment findings and earlier drafts of this Sourcebook. The primary audience for the Sourcebook is USAID development professionals and their implementing partners, though much of the document is applicable to any development organization undertaking similar work.

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