Documents for Conservation Enterprises
Reference Documents
This page contains references relevant to the conservation enterprises Collaborative Learning Group. Use the Submit New Content button or contact us directly to suggest new documents, links, or videos.
Featured Publications
Nov 8, 2017
Building a Conservation Enterprises: Keys for Success "Building a Conservation Enterprise: Keys for Success” is a summary of the guidance from key resource documents on the enabling conditions that support a sustainable enterprise. It includes important insights grounded in the literature that can be applied directly to the design of conservation enterprise approaches. An easy-to-use checklist is provided for quick reference. -
Apr 12, 2017
Conservation Enterprises: Using a Theory of Change Approach to Synthesize Lessons from USAID Biodiversity Projects This brief synthesizes lessons from past USAID-funded efforts to support conservation enterprises in an effort to increase understanding of activities and outcomes, and to improve the effectiveness of biodiversity programming. -
Apr 6, 2017
Conservation Enterprises: Using a Theory of Change Approach to Examine Evidence for Biodiversity Conservation This brief cross-references the evidence from a recent systematic review of alternative livelihood with the assumptions in the learning group's theory of change for conservation enterprises.
Feb 01, 2017
Conservation Enterprise
Planning Checklist This checklist is a tool to help practitioners plan a conservation enterprise approach. -
Jan 31, 2017
New Resource: Integrating Conservation & Livelihoods This brief cross-references the evidence from a recent systematic review of alternative livelihood with the assumptions in the learning group's theory of change. -
Nov. 6, 2016
Cross-Mission Learning Agenda
for Conservation Enterprises The Learning Agenda outlines the priority learning questions that, if answered, would improve the ability of USAID and others to design and implement conservation enterprise approaches.