
Conservation Enterprises: Using a Theory of Change Approach to Synthesize Lessons from USAID Biodiversity Projects

Conservation Enterprises: Using a Theory of Change Approach to Synthesize Lessons from USAID Biodiversity Projects

Author(s): USAID

Publication Date: 2017


In an effort to increase the understanding of conservation enterprises’ activities and outcomes and to improve the effectiveness of biodiversity programming, this brief synthesizes lessons from past USAID-funded efforts to support conservation enterprises

USAIDInformation relevant to Learning Questions:

Are enabling conditions in place to support a sustainable enterprise?

  • Diversification
  • Market demand, profit potential, access to credit/capital
  • Ownership, governance
  • Government requirements, policies for enterprises, business alliances
  • Financial management capacity, technical capacity
  • Equipment
  • Benefit sharing, targeted participants, combined strategic approaches, biodiversity linkage, policies for and enforcement of resource use, external disturbance

Does the enterprise lead to benefits to stakeholders?

  • Increased income for participants
  • Non-cash benefits

Do the benefits lead to positive changes in attitudes and behavior?

  • Attitudes regarding sustainable use of resources
  • Behaviors regarding sustainable use of resources

Does a change in stakeholders’ behaviors lead to a reduction to threats to biodiversity (or restoration)?

  • Addressed generally

Does a reduction in threats (or restoration) lead to conservation?

  • Addressed generally
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