Private Sector Engagement (PSE) Documents


Private Sector Engagement Learning Agenda: Latin America and the Caribbean Environment

The goal of the LAC Environment Learning Agenda for Private Sector Engagement is to generate and share evidence to inform USAID efforts to engage the private sector to achieve environment outcomes, including biodiversity conservation and sustainable landscapes. lt defines learning questions and then develops specific activities to address those questions.


Case Study: Lessons from Engaging the Private Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean: LandScale

Mar 09, 2022 · File

USAID/Mexico’s LandScale activity applies the LandScale Assessment Framework to evaluate and communicate landscape sustainability in the Sierra de Tapalpa landscape in the state of Jalisco.

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Case Study: Lessons from Engaging the Private Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean: Alianza Forestal

Mar 09, 2022 · File

The lessons highlighted in this case study come from interviews with private-sector actors, implementing partners, conservation organizations, and Mission staff involved in three USAID activities engaging the private sector for environment outcomes.

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Case Study: Lessons from Engaging the Private Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean: Regional Coastal Biodiversity Project

Mar 09, 2022 · File

Through the Regional Coastal Biodiversity Project , USAID works with a consortium of implementing partners led by the International Union for Conservation of Nature in partnership with the international nonprofit GOAL and a local NGO in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.

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Resumen del Aprendizaje:Lecciones sobre el involucramiento del sector privado en prácticas de ganadería sostenible en América Latina

Feb 03, 2021 · File

Las lecciones destacadas en este informe provienen de entrevistas con actores del sector privado, socios implementadores, organizaciones de conservación y personal de la Misión involucrados en tres actividades de la USAID que involucran al sector privado para obtener resultados ambientales.

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Mobilizing Private Finance for Development: A Comprehensive Introduction

Jan 22, 2021 · File

This Guide is intended to serve as an overview for development professionals at USAID and elsewhere who wish to learn more about how to mobilize private capital and engage with private enterprise to accomplish development objectives.

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Private Sector Engagement and Due Diligence: Reputational Risk Assessment

Jan 22, 2021 · File

In order to assess such matters, USAID uses the due diligence questions below to gather information regarding the prospective private sector partner(s).

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Learning Brief: Lessons Engaging the Private Sector in Sustainable Cattle Practices in Latin America

Jan 22, 2021 · File

The lessons highlighted in this brief come from interviews with private sector actors, implementing partners, conservation organizations, and Mission staff involved in three USAID activities engaging the private sector for environment outcomes.

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Unlocking Capital for Development

Jan 22, 2021 · File

An Introduction to Engaging with Finance Providers to Address Development Challenges.

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Corporate Investment Partnerships For Growth and Sustainability

Jan 22, 2021 · File

How Companies, International Development Agencies, and Investors Align Around Purpose and Profit.

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Natural Resource Governance: Findings & Recommendations from USAID/Columbia's Corruption and Criminality Analysis | Webinar Slide Deck

Jul 12, 2021 · File

Through an associate award with Targeting Natural Resource Corruption, the Colombia Mission’s Transparent Governance of Natural Resources activity (TGNR) conducted research and analysis of how corruption and criminality play a fundamental role in four drivers of deforestation: illegal mining, wildlife and timber trafficking, and land grabbing.

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Lessons from Engaging the Private Sector in Sustainable Cattle Practices: A LAC Environment Learning Series Webinar | Slide Deck

May 11, 2021 · File

Hosted by the LAC Environment Private Sector Engagement Learning Group, this webinar gathered input on priority Mission-generated learning ideas, highlighted the Learning Group's new website and Google Group, and dug into a Case Study on PSE for sustainable cattle practices in Paraguay and Colombia.

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Ocean Plastics: Drivers, Impacts, Solutions, and Lessons Engaging the Private Sector | Webinar Slide Deck

Jul 12, 2021 · File

Hosted by the LAC Environment Private Sector Engagement Learning Group, this webinar highlighted the Marine Debris and Biodiversity in Latin America and the Caribbean white paper, the Case Study: Marine Plastic Debris and Solid Waste Management in Peru, what the Peru Mission is doing to address the issue, along with experiences of the DDI Plastic Team engaging the private sector to address ocean plastics in Asia.

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Case Study: Marine Plastic Debris and Solid Waste Management in Peru

Jun 28, 2021 · File

The negative impact of plastic debris on marine ecosystems and species is a global challenge.

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Private Sector Engagement Learning Agenda: Latin America and the Caribbean Environment

Jan 22, 2021 · File

The goal of the LAC Environment Learning Agenda for Private Sector Engagement is to generate and share evidence to inform USAID efforts to engage the private sector to achieve environment outcomes, including biodiversity conservation and sustainable landscapes.

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Enduring Results Study 3.0 Summary Report

Jan 22, 2021 · File

This study explores what activities and/or outcomes from private sector partnerships endured two or more years after USAID’s formal funding ended and seeks to create a better understanding of the factors that support enduring results.

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Estudio de caso: Los Desechos Plásticos En El Mar Y La Gestión De Residuos Sólidos En Perú

Jun 28, 2021 · File

El impacto negativo de los desechos plásticos en los ecosistemas y las especies marinas es un desafío mundial.

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Marine Debris and Biodiversity in Latin America and the Caribbean

Jun 28, 2021 · File

The Latin American and Caribbean region is an important biodiverse region containing over 50 percent of the world’s biodiversity.

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Comparative Case Analysis: Engaging the Private Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean

Jun 21, 2022 · File

Many public actors struggle to determine when and how to collaborate with the private sector for better long-term environment and climate outcomes.

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