The U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID) E3 Office of Forestry and Biodiversity held a case study competition that invited examples of biodiversity integration from across USAID’s portfolio.

The case study competition sought examples of biodiversity integration across a range of sectors, from biodiversity programming with other sector development outcomes to health or food security programming with biodiversity outcomes. The judges selected two winners and four honorable mentions.

Biodiversity conservation is an essential component of human development, critically linked to ending extreme poverty, increasing food security, improving human health, managing the impacts of climate change, building resilience to recurrent crises, and achieving many other development objectives. The 2019 USAID Biodiversity Integration Case Study Competition captured field-level learning on different approaches to biodiversity integration. The submissions helped advance USAID’s learning and broaden the knowledge base on integration. A high-level panel of judges evaluated the cases studies and selected cases that exemplified key aspects of integration.

The Lessons Learned from the USAID Biodiversity Integration Case Study Competition synthesis compiles lessons from across all of the case study competition submissions.

The Biodiversity Results and Integrated Development Gains Enhanced (BRIDGE) Project managed the case study competition.


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