An analysis of international law, national legislation, judgements, and institutions as they interrelate with territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities. Report No. 2. Africa Regional.

Nelson, F.

An analysis of international law, national legislation, judgements, and institutions as they interrelate with territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities. Report No. 2. Africa Regional.

This synthesis report focuses on the legal recognition and rights over land and resources afforded to Indigenous peoples' and local communities' conserved territories and areas (ICCAs) in Senegal, Kenya anbd Namibia with data and observations from other African countries. It focuses therefore on the empowerment aspects of NWP from a legal perspective. the report concludes that the fundamental challenge to strengthening local communities’ abilities to conserve natural resources lies in the realm of land tenure. Although there have been widespread land tenure reform efforts since the early 1990s across much of Africa many of these reforms have not been implemented or deepened. the report also considers relationships between protected area aurthorities and ICCAs and concludes that these are still often characterised by conflicts over land and resource use and control.

Brian Jones
Independent Consultant
Natural Justice
  • Book/chapter
  • Comparative analysis of cases or tools
  • Regional case study
  • Africa - Southern
  • Africa - East
  • Africa
  • Africa - West
  • Wildlife
  • Biodiversity
  • Rangeland
  • Forest
  • NTFPs
  • Tourism
  • Biodiversity
  • Forest Carbon
  • Lessons learned (Cautionary Tale)
  • Lessons learned (Success Story)
  • Governance - [External or structural policies that influenced success or failure]
  • Resources - [External or structural policies that influenced success or failure]
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