Mission Projects

Biodiversity Conservation Program in the Amazon

USAID/Brazil works with the government, public and private sectors and nonprofit organizations to conserve biodiversity in the Amazon.

Conserving Coastal Ecosystems

The Conserving Coastal Ecosystems (CCE) Activity is a five-year project (2022–2027) that will improve coastal resource management to protect biodiversity, improve climate change adaptation and mitigation, and promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, generating resilience in local communities in Honduras.

Fish Right

The USAID Fish Right Program is a partnership between the governments of the United States and the Philippines to promote sustainable and resilient fisheries.

Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing in the Philippines

Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing weakens efforts to manage fisheries sustainably and also threatens food and livelihood security in coastal communities.

Sustainable Fishing for Food Security and Resilient Communities in the Philippines

To update an old development adage, rather than teaching a person to fish, the USAID/Philippines Ecosystems Improved for Sustainable Fisheries (ECOFISH) project sought to teach fishing communities how much to fish, where to fish and how to monitor fish in order to manage their wild fish resources sustainably as a smart development and adaptation strategy.

Tackling Environmental Crime in Madagascar’s Rainforests

Pierre Sampilahy, Chief Patroller for the Mitsinjo community forestry group in northeastern Madagascar, looks at the large tree lying at his feet.

U.S. Forest Service International Programs - Honduras

The United States Forest Service (USFS) has a long history of working collaboratively with USAID/Honduras to provide capacity-building and institutional-strengthening support to the Government of Honduras and local communities.

USAID Pro-Bosques

Funded by the USAID/Peru Mission, Pro Bosques focuses on strengthening forest governance, promoting private sector engagement and fostering indigenous empowerment, considering a cross-cutting gender and social inclusion approach.


USAID's VukaNow Activity (“VukaNow”) is a multi-faceted, five-year regional activity, operating in Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, with the goal of significantly reducing wildlife crime in southern Africa.

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