Two decades of community forestry in Nepal: What have learned?
Carter, Jane
Pokharel, BharatBharat
Parajuli, Rudriksha Rai
Two decades of community forestry in Nepal: What have learned?
This study takes a multi-stakeholder look at community forestry in Nepal and its successes and failures over the past 30 years. Development projects conceived now are rarely expected to have a life of more than five years, perhaps ten years at most. Looking back over more than twenty years of project experience in community forestry - itself grounded on an integrated development project of a similar time span - is thus a rare opportunity. Of course trees and forests require a longer establishment period than many other development interventions, and that is part of the rational for a long time frame. This project has also sought to promote social change in favor of the poor and disadvantaged, and it was recognized by the stakeholders involved in the project and by independent evaluators that this is not rapidly achieved, but achievable. This study highlights the interconnectivity of NWP and the challenges that it can face in implementation. It seeks to review and document the part that the NSCFP has played in the development of community forestry in Nepal.
Kelly Gibbons
Nepal Swiss Community Forestry Project
- Project overview document/gray literature
- Asia - South
Swiss Agency for Development
- Biodiversity
- Forest
- Timber
- Biodiversity
- Forest Carbon
- Promoted local land use planning and appropriate resource tenure systems - [Accomplished]
- Promoted cost effective technical advisory and intermediary services - [Accomplished]
- Improved information and knowledge management systems - [Accomplished]
- Built capacity and invested in human resources - [Accomplished]
- Fostered innovation, social learning, and adaptive management - [Accomplished]
- Invested in local organizations - [Accomplished]
- Created a framework for better NRM choices - [Accomplished]
- Proportional equivalence between benefits and costs - [Accomplished]
- Strengthened markets and NRM market incentives - [Accomplished]
- Promoted or developed economic strategies for natural resource management - [Accomplished]
- Assured that resource managers have access to NRM means and benefits - [Accomplished]
- Continuous and inclusive consultations - [Accomplished]
- Natural resource authority and functions distribution - [Accomplished]
- Local stakeholder input into public decisions and policy - [Accomplished]
- Procedural rights for all people, especially vulnerable or marginalized groups - [Accomplished]
- Devolution to communities
- Participatory processes for social change
- Land use planning
- Land tenure securitization
- Resource user groups
- Devolution to local governments
- Tree tenure rights
- Participatory Planning
- Governance/empowerment - [Gender]
- Governance/empowerment - [Yes]
- Economic/income generation - [Yes]
- Economic/income generation - [Gender]
- Environmental/productivity - [Yes]
- Environmental/productivity - [Yes]
- Governance/empowerment - [Yes]
- Economic/income generation - [Yes]
- Environmental/productivity - [Yes]
- Governance/empowerment - [Yes]
- Economic/income generation - [Yes]
- Lessons learned (Cautionary Tale)
- Lessons learned (Success Story)
- Governance - [External or structural policies that influenced success or failure]
- Economic - [External or structural policies that influenced success or failure]
- Resources - [External or structural policies that influenced success or failure]