Lessons about Land Tenure, Forest Governance and REDD+ Featured Jan 10, 2012
Naughton-Treves, Lisa
Day, Cathy
Lessons on Land Tenure, Forest Governance and REDD+: Case Studies from Africa, Asia, and Latin America
This volume of case studies comprises one of two main publications resulting from the Oct. 21-22, 2011 Land Tenure and Forest Carbon Management Workshop hosted by the University of Wisconsin/Madison’s Land Tenure Center (LTC), Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, and Geography Dept. Contributed by an impressive array of researchers, NGOs, and other development partners (Land Tenure Center, Wildlife Conservation Society, Landesa, CIFOR, Cordillera Tropical Fundación, Ecolex, PACT, Community Forestry International, World Resources Institute), this combination of national- and community-level cases from Tanzania, Mozambique, Nepal, India, Cambodia, Laos, and Ecuador complement a set of research papers prepared simultaneously for a special issue of the journal World Development (2013).
Michael Colby
(related papers in World Development)
University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Land Tenure Center
- Site-based case study
- Sectoral review
- Country-based case study
- Africa - Southern
- Africa
- Global
- Asia - South
- Latin America and Caribbean - South America
- Asia
- Asia - Southeast
- Africa - East
- Forest
- Forest Carbon
- Promoted local land use planning and appropriate resource tenure systems - [Relevant]
- Promoted or developed economic strategies for natural resource management - [Relevant]
- Proportional equivalence between benefits and costs - [Relevant]
- Strengthened markets and NRM market incentives - [Relevant]
- Continuous and inclusive consultations - [Relevant]n
- Procedural rights for all people, especially vulnerable or marginalized groups - [Relevant]
- Natural resource authority and functions distribution - [Relevant]
- Local stakeholder input into public decisions and policy - [Relevant]
- Devolution to communities
- Land use planning
- Land tenure securitization
- GIS/remote sensing
- Payments for ecosystem services
- Resource user groups
- Devolution to local governments
- Tree tenure rights
- Information/knowledge management technology
- Participatory Planning
- Environmental/productivity - [Yes]
- Governance/empowerment - [Yes]
- Economic/income generation - [Yes]
- Environmental/productivity - [Yes]
- Governance/empowerment - [Yes]
- Economic/income generation - [Yes]
- Lessons learned (Cautionary Tale)
- Lessons learned (Success Story)
- Governance - [External or structural policies that influenced success or failure]
- Economic - [External or structural policies that influenced success or failure]
- Resources - [External or structural policies that influenced success or failure]