Featured Resources Gallery
First Responsible Seafood Summit
USAID hosted the first Responsible Seafood Summit, gathering over 200 participants from the seafood industry, civil society organizations, and government agencies at the Novotel Manila Araneta City on September 14, 2023.
Handbook for Peer Educators: Promoting Sustainable Fisheries
This handbook provides peer educators tools to educate others on topics related to fisheries management, to champion and advocate for sustainable fisheries, and engaging with and urging support from their local leaders and communities toward improving the management of fisheries and other marine resources.
2023 West Philippine Seascape Civil Society Summit
The 2023 Civil Society Organizations (CSO) Summit for the Conservation of the West Philippine Seascape (WPS) in the South China Sea brought together for the first time over 50 CSOs who have stakes in finding solutions to pressing issues confronting marine and fisheries resources in the seascape.
The Blue Swimming Crab Partnership in the Visayan Sea
This brief documents the complex challenge of improving Blue Swimming Crab (BSC) management at various scales, as part of an overall ecosystems approach to fisheries management.
Memoria de Implementación Jóvenes para la Conservación Honduras
El Programa Jóvenes para la Conservación Honduras (JPC Honduras) es una experiencia piloto en América Latina.
Honduras Youth for Conservation Corps Fact Sheet
The Honduras Youth for Conservation Corps (YCC) program, implemented by USFS and funded by USAID, aims to create a new generation of socially and environmentally conscious young leaders.
USAID Biodiversity Policy
The USAID Biodiversity Policy provides a blueprint for how the Agency will work to conserve biodiversity in priority places and catalyze nature-positive, equitable development.
Protecting Our Ocean fact sheet
USAID’s programming in marine, coastal, and fisheries management, nature-based solutions for climate, and combating ocean plastic pollution aim to protect the health of our oceans for the benefit of people and nature alike.
Dive Deeper Resource Library
Search the Fish Wise resource library for tools, guidance, reports, and more.
Seascape Map
Use this interactive map to explore traceability, counter-illegal fishing, and social responsibility efforts.
Reducing Demand for Wild Meat—A Compilation of Formative Research Questions and Findings Across Campaigns
This report summarizes seven case studies that highlight the different drivers of wild meat consumption and trade in different regions: Nigeria, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Brazil, Vietnam, and Thailand.
Conservation Enterprises Impact Lab
The Impact Lab aims to strengthen the knowledge, skills, and abilities of participating teams to improve the effectiveness of their conservation enterprise approaches.
Linkages Between Participatory Natural Resource Management and Democratic Outcomes: A Review of the Evidence
It is widely accepted that participatory natural resource management (PNRM) can provide more effective social and ecological outcomes, but no comprehensive assessment has focused on how PNRM affects democratic outcomes more broadly.
Reference Sheet: Incorporating Land and Resource Governance into Biodiversity Conservation Programming
This reference sheet is part of a series of materials aimed at USAID Missions and other Operating Units interested in integrating land and resource governance (LRG) into their programming.
Countering Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing Fact Sheet
Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a major environmental and security concern, impacting livelihoods, food security, and development.
Sustainable Marine, Coastal, and Freshwater Ecosystems and Fisheries
The sustainable management of marine, coastal, and freshwater ecosystems and fisheries is critical to biodiversity conservation and development goals such as improved livelihoods and food security.
Shared Skies - Full Report
Shared Skies contains new research, carried out by C4ADS, exploring the overlap of methods and routes used in wildlife trafficking and other illicit smuggling crimes such as drugs and weapons.
ROUTES - From Take Off to Touch Down
The final report from ROUTES provides an overview of the Partnership's achievements and impact during its six years of implementation and explores how that impact can be sustained in future.
ROUTES Resource and Contact Reference
The ROUTES Partnership has put together a guide containing resources and contacts to help the aviation sector combat wildlife trafficking past the close of ROUTES, into the future.