Reduced Impact Logging: A Commitment Towards Sustainability
Indonesian natural forest timber concessions (HPHs) occupy over 20 million hectares of forest area and therefore represent important partners in advancing sustainable forest management. Well-managed forest concessions that apply modern best practice can sustain high conservation value forest, preserve wildlife habitat, and produce long-term economic benefits. However, due to a lack of capacity, most HPHs operate simple logging practices without detailed harvesting plans and mitigation procedures.
Reduced Impact Logging: A Commitment Towards Sustainability
Indonesian natural forest timber concessions (HPHs) occupy over 20 million hectares of forest area and therefore represent important partners in advancing sustainable forest management. Well-managed forest concessions that apply modern best practice can sustain high conservation value forest, preserve wildlife habitat, and produce long-term economic benefits. However, due to a lack of capacity, most HPHs operate simple logging practices without detailed harvesting plans and mitigation procedures.