Community-based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM)

Title Description Subject
A Global Assessment of Community Based Natural Resource Management: Addressing the Critical Challenges of the Rural Sector A Global Assessment of Community Based Natural Resource Management: Addressing the Critical Challenges of the Rural Sector CBNRM: AN ASSESSMENT WITH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE FUTURE. Rural development issues are critical not only for the rural areas themselves but also for addressing pressing global concerns of food security (FS), climate change, biodiversity conservation, poverty reduction, provision of environmental goods and services, and good governance. Community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) has been a rural development strategy for over 30 years. This paper has a two-fold objective: to assess the CBNRM experience in order to improve the performance of CBNRM itself, and to evaluate the lessons learned from CBNRM for critical issues – especially food security and climate change. Featured June, 2013 ['Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Feature', 'CBNRM', 'Community-based Natural Resources Management', 'News: USAID NRMD Featured Stories']
A Global Assessment of Community Based Natural Resources Management: Addressing the Critical Challenges of the Rural Sector A Global Assessment of Community Based Natural Resources Management: Addressing the Critical Challenges of the Rural Sector CBNRM: An assessment with recommendations for the future. Rural development issues are critical not only for the rural areas themselves but also for addressing pressing global concerns of food security (FS), climate change, biodiversity conservation, poverty reduction, provision of environmental goods and services, and good governance. ['Energy Production and Mining', 'Biodiversity', 'Non-Cash Benefits', 'Technical Capacity', 'Human Intrusions and Disturbance', 'RMP', 'Governance', 'Policies for Enterprises', 'Climate Change and Severe Weather', 'CE Community Resources', 'Market Demand', 'Increased Income for Participants', 'Attitudes Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Biological Resource Use', 'Resources', 'Inputs', 'Stakeholder Alignment', 'Benefit Sharing', 'FRAME', 'Library', 'Business Alliances', 'Forest Ecosystems', 'Profit Potential', 'CE Community', 'Behaviors Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Communities']
Community-based Natural Resource Management: State of the Science—Global Perspectives Community-based Natural Resource Management: State of the Science—Global Perspectives This study states that community-based natural resource management is “a process by which landholders gain access and use rights to, or ownership of, natural resources; collaboratively and transparently plan and participate in the management of resource use; and achieve financially and other benefits from stewardship." ['SOCICON', 'RMP', 'Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'FRAME', 'Library', 'FRAME Community', 'Topic', 'CBNRM', 'Communities', 'SOCICON Resources', 'Resources']
Community Based Natural Resources (CBNRM) Assessment Working Group Community Based Natural Resources (CBNRM) Assessment Working Group The CBNRM working group project assessed the state of community-based natural resource management. It focused on the CBNRM principles that apply across a broad range of sub-sectors and landscapes, which could be used to guide program design and implementation, particularly in climate change and food security initiatives. CBNRM principles are in essence the principles found in the Nature, Wealth, and Power (NWP) document (USAID, 2002 ['Project', 'Completed Projects', 'Completed', 'Community-based Natural Resources Management']
Philippines CBNRM Stocktaking Report Philippines CBNRM Stocktaking Report This is the final report of the CBNRM stocktaking assessment which examined nearly three decades of CBNRM experience in the Philippines. The report contains significant information on the economics of CBNRM -- much of it not previously widely publicized. ['Development', 'CoP', 'Biodiversity', 'Community-based Natural Resource Management in Southeast Asia', 'FRAME', 'Communities & Smallholder Farmers (CBNRM)', 'Topic', 'Library', 'Resources', 'RMP', 'Communities', 'CBNRM Community', 'CBNRM Community Resources']
USAID Support to the Community-Based Natural Resource Management Program in Namibia: LIFE Program Review USAID Support to the Community-Based Natural Resource Management Program in Namibia: LIFE Program Review Since 1992 USAID has contributed to the support of Namibia’s Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) program through the Living in a Finite Environment (LIFE) program. This report reviews USAID’s investment, major accomplishments and results, captures and disseminates lessons learned, and makes recommendations for the LIFE program and the CBNRM program in Namibia after USAID funding ends. ['Biodiversity', 'Non-Cash Benefits', 'Business Alliances', 'Marine/Freshwater Ecotourism', 'Targeted Participants', 'Policies for and Enforcement of Resource Use', 'Governance', 'Policies for Enterprises', 'CE Community Resources', 'Increased Income for Participants', 'Attitudes Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Biological Resource Use', 'Resources', 'Technical Capacity', 'Stakeholder Alignment', 'Benefit Sharing', 'Financial Management Capacity', 'Terrestrial Ecotourism', 'FRAME', 'Library', 'Species', 'Access to Credit Capital', 'RMP', 'Ownership', 'Forest Ecosystems', 'Communities', 'Behaviors Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Biodiversity Linkage', 'CE Community']
Communities and Inclusion Communities and Inclusion This Guide provides information, guidance, and tools for practitioners who seek to integrate anti-corruption approaches into their context-specific programming responses to address the threats of corruption in community-based work and inclusive conservation efforts. ['Biodiversity', 'Targeting Natural Resource Corruption', 'TNRC Resources', 'Conservation', 'TNRC', 'Resources']
ABCG Report on HIV/AIDS and Natural Resource Management in Africa: Findings from Kenya, Namibia, South Africa and Uganda by Dr. Jane Dwasi Report describing the impacts of HIV/AIDS on NRM and highlights coping strategies from conservation government agencies, NGOs, and communities in East and Southern Africa ['RMP', 'Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Natural Resources Management', 'Training', 'Library', 'Content', 'HIV Aids', 'CBNRM', 'Gender', 'Resources']
Namibia_case_study.pdf Namibia_case_study.pdf Namibia_case_study.pdf ['RMP Training Poverty Reduction Seminar', 'Biodiversity', 'Training', 'Resources', 'RMP', 'Library']
Community-based Natural Resource Management and Poverty Alleviation in Namibia: A Case Study Community-based Natural Resource Management and Poverty Alleviation in Namibia: A Case Study Through community-based natural resource management (CBNRM), Namibians who form conservancies now have legal rights to manage wildlife and benefit from tourism. With these secure rights, and with help from NGOs and the government, something extraordinary is happening: wildlife numbers, which were decimated by war and poaching, are rising, and ecosystems are rebounding. Namibians also now have the chance to build businesses based on eco-tourism and related activities, and these businesses are helping to improve the lives of conservancy members. ['Biodiversity', 'Non-Cash Benefits', 'Business Alliances', 'Human Intrusions and Disturbance', 'Biodiversity Linkage', 'Targeted Participants', 'Government Requirements', 'Policies for and Enforcement of Resource Use', 'Governance', 'Policies for Enterprises', 'Profit Potential', 'CE Community Resources', 'FRAME', 'Increased Income for Participants', 'Attitudes Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Biological Resource Use', 'Resources', 'Technical Capacity', 'Stakeholder Alignment', 'Infrastructure', 'Benefit Sharing', 'Financial Management Capacity', 'Residential and Commerical Development', 'Terrestrial Ecotourism', 'Diversification', 'Agriculture and Aquaculture', 'Library', 'Access to Credit Capital', 'RMP', 'Ownership', 'Forest Ecosystems', 'Grassland Ecosystems', 'CE Community', 'Behaviors Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Species', 'Communities']
Impacts of Community-Based Natural Resource Management on Wealth, Food Security and Child Health in Tanzania Impacts of Community-Based Natural Resource Management on Wealth, Food Security and Child Health in Tanzania This Study explains Community-based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) as a major global strategy for enhancing conservation outcomes while also seeking to improve rural livelihoods. The research presents a national-level analysis that empirically estimates socioeconomic impacts of CBNRM across Tanzania, while systematically controlling for potential sources of bias. ['SOCICON', 'RMP', 'Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'FRAME', 'Library', 'FRAME Community', 'Topic', 'CBNRM', 'Communities', 'SOCICON Resources', 'Resources']
Local Communities and Natural Products: A Manual for Organizing Natural Resource Management Groups for Resource Management Planning, Enterprise Development and Integration into Value Chains Local Communities and Natural Products: A Manual for Organizing Natural Resource Management Groups for Resource Management Planning, Enterprise Development and Integration into Value Chains ['Biodiversity', 'Non-Cash Benefits', 'Business Alliances', 'Government Requirements', 'Policies for and Enforcement of Resource Use', 'Policies for Enterprises', 'Equipment', 'CE Community Resources', 'Market Demand', 'Increased Income for Participants', 'RMP', 'Biological Resource Use', 'Resources', 'Technical Capacity', 'Stakeholder Alignment', 'Financial Management Capacity', 'Residential and Commerical Development', 'Natural System Modifications', 'FRAME', 'Agriculture and Aquaculture', 'Library', 'Ownership', 'Forest Ecosystems', 'Communities', 'Species', 'CE Community']
Rewards and Risks Associated with Community Engagement in Anti-Poaching and Anti-Trafficking Rewards and Risks Associated with Community Engagement in Anti-Poaching and Anti-Trafficking This Biodiversity Research Paper explores the roles communities do and should play in countering wildlife crime, motivations, and benefits for individuals and communities to engage in anti-poaching and anti-trafficking efforts, and risks and mitigation of risks associated with involvement. Peer-reviewed and grey literature, structured interviews, and case studies informed the research, with highlights from six case studies in Peru, Madagascar, Namibia, Philippines, Kenya, and Indonesia. ['BiodiversityLinks', 'Measuring Impact', 'Wildlife', 'Crimes', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Measuring Impact II', 'Global', 'MI', 'CWT', 'Research', 'Biodiversity', 'Featured Resources', 'Conservation', 'CBNRM', 'Report', 'Combating Wildlife Trafficking', 'Conservation Crimes', 'MI2', 'MI Project Resources']
Conservation Enterprise: What Works, Where and for Whom? Conservation Enterprise: What Works, Where and for Whom? ['Biodiversity', 'Non-Cash Benefits', 'Technical Capacity', 'Biodiversity Linkage', 'Targeted Participants', 'Governance', 'CE Community Resources', 'Increased Income for Participants', 'Attitudes Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Ownership', 'Biological Resource Use', 'Resources', 'Combined Strategic Approaches', 'Inputs', 'RMP', 'Benefit Sharing', 'Financial Management Capacity', 'FRAME', 'Agriculture and Aquaculture', 'Library', 'Business Alliances', 'Forest Ecosystems', 'Communities', 'Planning for External Disturbance', 'Behaviors Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Species', 'CE Community']
Enrolling the Local: Community-Based Anti-Corruption Efforts and Institutional Capture Enrolling the Local: Community-Based Anti-Corruption Efforts and Institutional Capture This Brief examines community-based anti-corruption efforts in natural resource management in order to better understand their rationales, potentialities, and challenges—especially complications posed by the intersection of such initiatives with national-level dynamics of institutional capture. ['Madagascar', 'Biodiversity', 'Targeting Natural Resource Corruption', 'Natural Resource Management', 'TNRC', 'Corruption', 'TNRC Resources', 'Institutions']
Engendering Eden - Volume III - Women, Gender and ICDPs in South and South-East Asia: Lessons Learnt and Experiences Shared Engendering Eden - Volume III - Women, Gender and ICDPs in South and South-East Asia: Lessons Learnt and Experiences Shared In recent years there has been an increasing emphasis placed on linking the conservation of natural resources with the development of local communities through ICDPs (Integrated Conservation and Development Projects) and CBNRM (Community Based Natural Resource Management). At the same time, pressures have increased for a more equitable development process drawing in otherwise marginalized groups such as women. However there is inexperience and a lack of knowledge concerning how to achieve this. The "Engendering" Eden research program aimed to fill some of the existing gaps on issues concerned with the relationships between women, gender and ICDPs. It aimed to understand what differences and inequities exist within communities and how these affect participation and the distribution of benefits and costs in relation to conservation and development. Lessons concerning how to address gender issues and women's exclusion have been learnt and recommendations made as to how to incorporate them into future work to achieve more equitable conservation policy and practice. ['COPA', 'NWP', 'Wealth', 'Power', 'Nature, Wealth, and Power', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Gender', 'FRAME', 'Nature', 'Southeast Asia', 'ICDP', 'Biodiversity', 'CBNRM', 'South Asia', 'Women', 'Nature, Wealth, and Power (NWP)', 'Learning Group']
Community-based Natural Resource Management in Sub-Saharan Africa Community-based Natural Resource Management in Sub-Saharan Africa Prepared for the USAID Bureau for Africa Office of Sustainable Development. Review of the experience, analytical tools for strategic planning and program monitoring. By The ARD-RAISE Consortium 1601 N. Kent Street, Suite 800 Arlington, VA 22209 U.S.A. January 2001 Purposepartners.doc ['Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Natural Resources Management', 'Africa', 'Environmental Conservation', 'USAID', 'Sub-Saharan Africa', 'CBNRM']
2010/6 South East Asia Katoomba Meeting XVII- Taking the Lead: Payments for Ecosystem Services in Southeast Asia (Hanoi, Vietnam) June 23‐24, 2010, Hanoi, Vietnam - Workshop entitled "Katoomba XVII: Taking the Lead: Payments for Ecosystem Services in Southeast Asia" was hosted by Forest Trends, the Katoomba Group, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) of Vietnam, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) of Vietnam, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Winrock International, and was made possible by support from USAID through the TransLinks Cooperative Agreement. ['Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Forest Trends (FT)', 'TransLinks', 'PES', 'Workshop', 'CBNRM', 'PES General', 'REDD+', 'Co-Management', 'PES Marine', 'FRAME', 'Trainings & Tools']
Economic Analysis of Land Use Policies For Livestock, Wildlife and Disease Management In Caprivi, Namibia, With Potential Wider Implications For Regional Transfrontier Conservation Areas Economic Analysis of Land Use Policies For Livestock, Wildlife and Disease Management In Caprivi, Namibia, With Potential Wider Implications For Regional Transfrontier Conservation Areas Standard cost-benefit analysis was applied to several future policy options for land use and animal disease management in Caprivi, Namibia. Emphasis was placed on the livestock-wildlife interface and Caprivi’s role as central to the Kavango Zambezi (KAZA) transfrontier conservation area (TFCA). Empirically-based enterprise models measuring private and economic values for livestock and wildlife sectors in Caprivi were used to measure returns to investment for policy options regarding animal disease management and land use allocation. Options included commodity-based trade (CBT) and veterinary control fencing approaches to animal disease management. CBT is a production and marketing approach, which assures product safety regardless of the disease status of the area of origin and therefore permits adaptation of conventional (geographically-based) animal disease control measures. The basic measure of economic efficiency was incremental change in net national income at opportunity cost. Local livelihood contributions were also measured. ['Wildlife', 'CBNRM For Review', 'Livestock', 'World Wildlife Fund (WWF)', 'Disease Management', 'RMP', 'Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)', 'Library', 'Biodiversity', 'Community-based Rangeland and Livestock Management (CBRLM)', 'Groups', 'CBRLM', 'CBRLM For Review', 'Resources']
2008/9 Katoomba XIII Meeting - Taking Stock and Charting a Way Forward for Payments for Ecosystem Services in Africa A Meeting of the East & Southern Africa Katoomba Group (Dar-es-salaam and Morogoro, Tanzania) September 16-18, 2008, Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania and September 18-20, 2008, Morogoro, Tanzania - This 2008 East and Southern African Katoomba Group meeting was hosted by the Katoomba Group and Forest Trends, with support from USAID through the TransLinks Cooperative Agreement. ['Community-based Conservation', 'Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Forest Trends (FT)', 'TransLinks', 'Water Resource Management', 'PES', 'Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)', 'Community-based Forest Management (CBFM)', 'Workshop', 'Carbon Markets', 'PES General', 'Community-Based Enterprises', 'CBNRM']
Literature Review: Assessment of the Impact of Trade Restrictions and Other Policies on Wildlife Conservation and Community Wildlife Stewardship in Southern Africa Literature Review: Assessment of the Impact of Trade Restrictions and Other Policies on Wildlife Conservation and Community Wildlife Stewardship in Southern Africa This report comprises a review of published literature that examines the effectiveness of trade restrictions and related measures in addressing wildlife crime and linked threats to species conservation in the Southern African (SADC) region, with a focus on elephants, rhinos, lions, and pangolins. ['Featured Resources', 'Biodiversity', 'VukaNow', 'Southern African Development Community (SADC)', 'Wildlife Crime', 'VukaNow Resources', 'Combating Conservation Crime', 'Trade']
A Retrospective of the USAID/Indonesia Environment and Natural Resources Program: Reflections on 30 Years of Experience and Prospects for the Future A Retrospective of the USAID/Indonesia Environment and Natural Resources Program: Reflections on 30 Years of Experience and Prospects for the Future The report provides historical analysis of USAID/Indonesia's longstanding Natural Resources Management program, which has continued over nearly 30 years addressing many issues in the terrestrial and marine environments in Indonesia. The report further provides recommendations for future programming of environmental assistance to Indonesia. ['BiodiversityLinks', 'Indonesia', 'Asia and the Near East', 'Natural Resource Management', 'Biodiversity', 'Report']
Conservation Enterprises Brief Conservation Enterprises Brief Promoting conservation enterprises is a strategy that is widely supported by USAID biodiversity funding. However, the evidence that conservation enterprises lead to conservation is mixed. In an effort to increase the understanding of conservation enterprises’ activities and outcomes and to improve the effectiveness of biodiversity programming, this brief synthesizes lessons from past USAID-funded efforts to support conservation enterprises. ['Measuring Impact', 'Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Conservation Enterprises', 'Economic Growth/Livelihoods', 'MI', 'CE', 'Economic Growth', 'Technical Brief', 'Livelihoods', 'MI Project Resources']
Conservation Enterprises Brief Conservation Enterprises Brief Promoting conservation enterprises is a strategy that is widely supported by USAID biodiversity funding. However, the evidence that conservation enterprises lead to conservation is mixed. In an effort to increase the understanding of conservation enterprises’ activities and outcomes and to improve the effectiveness of biodiversity programming, this brief synthesizes lessons from past USAID-funded efforts to support conservation enterprises. ['Biodiversity', 'Non-Cash Benefits', 'Business Alliances', 'Conservation Enterprises', 'Biodiversity Linkage', 'Targeted Participants', 'Government Requirements', 'RMP', 'Governance', 'Policies for Enterprises', 'Equipment', 'CE Community Resources', 'Market Demand', 'CE', 'Increased Income for Participants', 'Attitudes Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Resources', 'Technical Capacity', 'Combined Strategic Approaches', 'Measuring Impact', 'Policies for and Enforcement of Resource Use', 'Learning Group', 'Benefit Sharing', 'Financial Management Capacity', 'Diversification', 'MI', 'Library', 'Access to Credit Capital', 'Ownership', 'Profit Potential', 'Planning for External Disturbance', 'CE Community', 'Behaviors Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'FRAME', 'Communities', 'MI Project Resources']
Nature, Wealth, Power 2.0: Leveraging Natural and Social Capital for Resilient Development Nature, Wealth, Power 2.0: Leveraging Natural and Social Capital for Resilient Development This volume is a sequel to the original Nature, Wealth, & Power framework paper (NWP1), produced in 2002. That document, although focused on rural Africa, was found useful by a variety of development practitioners around the world, and elicited significant interest from different disciplines and regions from both practical and theoretical perspectives. The world context has changed since 2002, and development theory and practice have also evolved. Therefore, in 2012, USAID initiated an assessment and updating of the NWP framework. This second framework paper (NWP2) is targeted at practitioners involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of natural resource–based rural development activities around the world, trying to make them more equitable, efficient, and effective. We also hope it will be useful to policy makers who are designing policies, laws, and administrative instruments to spur rural development. It does not claim to be a sure-fire recipe for success, but is an updated framework compiled from and consisting of best practices. Featured January, 2014. ['Non-Cash Benefits', 'Biodiversity Linkage', 'Government Requirements', 'Governance', 'Climate Change and Severe Weather', 'CE Community Resources', 'Market Demand', 'RMP', 'Sustainably Harvested Timber Products', 'Resources', 'Aquaculture and Mariculture', 'Inputs', 'Stakeholder Alignment', 'Infrastructure', 'FRAME', 'Agriculture and Aquaculture', 'Business Alliances', 'Forest Ecosystems', 'Grassland Ecosystems', 'Freshwater Ecosystems', 'Marine/Freshwater Ecotourism', 'Benefit Sharing', 'Biodiversity', 'Ownership', 'Crops', 'Marine Ecosystems', 'Targeted Participants', 'Sustainably Harvested Fish and Shellfish', 'Policies for Enterprises', 'Communities', 'Increased Income for Participants', 'Attitudes Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Biological Resource Use', 'Combined Strategic Approaches', 'Policies for and Enforcement of Resource Use', 'Non-Timber Forest Products', 'Livestock', 'Technical Capacity', 'Financial Management Capacity', 'Terrestrial Ecotourism', 'Diversification', 'Library', 'Access to Credit Capital', 'Planning for External Disturbance', 'Behaviors Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Species', 'CE Community']
2009/05 Forests, Climate Change, and Ecosystem Services Training Pretoria, South Africa May 11-13, 2009, Pretoria, South Africa - Workshop on Ecosystem Services, Forests, and Climate Change. The event was organized by Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), World Agroforestry Centre (aka ICRAF), Forest Trends, the Katoomba Group and USAID/EGAT’s Climate Change, Forestry, and Land Team, and was made possible by support from USAID through the TransLinks Cooperative Agreement. ['Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Forest Trends (FT)', 'TransLinks', 'PES', 'Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)', 'Community-based Forest Management (CBFM)', 'CBNRM', 'News: USAID NRMD Training Announcements', 'Carbon', 'PES General', 'Community-Based Enterprises', 'Trainings & Tools']
Final Evaluation of the Sustainable Conservation Approaches in Priority Ecosystems Program (SCAPES) Final Evaluation of the Sustainable Conservation Approaches in Priority Ecosystems Program (SCAPES) This final evaluation of the Sustainable Conservation Approaches in Priority Ecosystems (SCAPES) program assesses conservation strategies used by four implementing partners to address priority threats and strengthen local capacity to conserve biodiversity. ['Measuring Impact', 'Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'MI', 'Featured Resources', 'Evaluation', 'MI Project Resources']
Final Evaluation of the Sustainable Conservation Approaches in Priority Ecosystems Program (SCAPES) Final Evaluation of the Sustainable Conservation Approaches in Priority Ecosystems Program (SCAPES) This final evaluation of the Sustainable Conservation Approaches in Priority Ecosystems (SCAPES) program assesses conservation strategies used by four implementing partners to address priority threats and strengthen local capacity to conserve biodiversity. The assessment examines seven strategies based on four Key Principles, gender considerations, and learning opportunities to identify enabling conditions and limiting factors that affected program activity outcomes. ['Biodiversity', 'Monitoring', 'Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning', 'BiodiversityLinks', 'Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL)', 'Evaluation', 'Measuring Impact (MI) Project Resources', 'Measuring Impact', 'SCAPES', 'Learning Group', 'MEL', 'IR2', 'IR3', 'MI', 'Sustainable Landscapes', 'Sustainable Conservation Approaches in Priority Ecosystems', 'Learning', 'MI Project Resources']
Forests of the Lower Mekong Final Closeout Report Forests of the Lower Mekong Final Closeout Report The Global Conservation Program Achievements and lessons learned from 10 years of support for threats-based conservation at a landscape and seascape scale October 1, 1999 – September 30, 2009 ['Forestry', 'GCP', 'Global Conservation Program (GCP)', 'Biodiversity', 'GCP Resources', 'Report', 'Climate and Biodiversity', 'Sustainable Landscapes']
BIODIVERSITY ASSESSMENT FOR MALAWI BIODIVERSITY ASSESSMENT FOR MALAWI This report presents the results of a biodiversity assessment for Malawi, conducted under the COMPASS II of USAID. The assessment is intended to help USAID/Malawi and COMPASS II to better integrate biodiversity into its ongoing programming. The purpose of the assessment, as stated in the Terms of Reference (Annex 1) is two-fold: 1. To review and summarize available information on the biodiversity of selected critical ecosystems in Malawi (including forested, savannah, and aquatic ecosystems) to document their present status, assess direct and indirect threats to their biodiversity, and summarize current government, NGO and donor programs that contribute to conservation and sustainable natural resources management; and 2. To convene and facilitate a participatory process of identifying opportunities presented by the biodiversity of the critical ecosystems, as well as recommended actions for COMPASS to take both to reduce or mitigate the threats to that biodiversity and to realize the full potential of the opportunities, including mechanisms for documenting and monitoring the links between the economic growth and biodiversity conservation. ['Biodiversity', 'Sustainable Land Management', 'FRAME', 'COMPASS', 'Community-based Forest Management (CBFM)', 'USAID', 'Co-Management', 'Wildlife Society of Malawi', 'Malawi']
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