Title Type review_state Subject
Community-based Natural Resource Management: State of the Science—Global Perspectives Community-based Natural Resource Management: State of the Science—Global Perspectives File published ('SOCICON', 'RMP', 'Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'FRAME', 'Library', 'FRAME Community', 'Topic', 'CBNRM', 'Communities', 'SOCICON Resources', 'Resources')
Impacts of Community-Based Natural Resource Management on Wealth, Food Security and Child Health in Tanzania Impacts of Community-Based Natural Resource Management on Wealth, Food Security and Child Health in Tanzania File published ('SOCICON', 'RMP', 'Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'FRAME', 'Library', 'FRAME Community', 'Topic', 'CBNRM', 'Communities', 'SOCICON Resources', 'Resources')
Making sense of research for sustainable land management Making sense of research for sustainable land management File published ('SOCICON', 'RMP', 'Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'FRAME', 'Library', 'FRAME Community', 'Topic', 'CBNRM', 'Communities', 'SOCICON Resources', 'Resources')
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