Buenas prácticas de manejo en el cultivo de Camarón en Honduras: Una guía para incrementar la eficiencia y reducir los impactos ambientales de la acuacultura de Camarón. 2001
This report presents practices that can be used to improve the efficiency and reduce environmental impacts of shrimp farming. These practices were developed in Honduras, though most are applicable to all of Latin America. (Also available in English.)
Buenas prácticas de manejo en el cultivo de Camarón en Honduras: Una guía para incrementar la eficiencia y reducir los impactos ambientales de la acuacultura de Camarón. 2001
Claude E. Boyd,
María C. Haws,
Bartholomew W. Green
Location: Honduras
This report presents practices that can be used to improve the efficiency and reduce environmental impacts of shrimp farming. These practices were developed in Honduras, though most are applicable to all of Latin America. (Also available in English.)