Title Type review_state Subject
Analysis of Stakeholder Power and Community Involvement in Forest Management Analysis of Stakeholder Power and Community Involvement in Forest Management File published ('Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Sustainable Land Management', 'Gender', 'Africa', 'Community-based Forest Management (CBFM)', 'Community Initiatives', 'IUCN', 'Stakeholder Power', 'Community Involvement in Forest Management', 'CBNRM', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management')
Avances y Perspectivas para la Investigacion Forestal en Bolivia Avances y Perspectivas para la Investigacion Forestal en Bolivia File published ('Biodiversity',)
Decisions for the Earth: Balance, Voice and Power Decisions for the Earth: Balance, Voice and Power File published ('Biodiversity',)
Gestión Organizativa de las Agrupaciones Sociales del Lugar Gestión Organizativa de las Agrupaciones Sociales del Lugar File published ('Biodiversity',)
Maps of Indigenous Territories Reveal Correlation Between Native Lands and Standing Forests Maps of Indigenous Territories Reveal Correlation Between Native Lands and Standing Forests File published ('Biodiversity',)
Shifting the Power: Decentralization and Biodiversity Conservation Shifting the Power: Decentralization and Biodiversity Conservation File published ('Biodiversity',)
Though all things differ - Pluralism as a basis for cooperation in forests Though all things differ - Pluralism as a basis for cooperation in forests File published ('Biodiversity',)
WRI Publication: Democratic Decentralization of Natural Resources - Institutionalizing Popular Participation WRI Publication: Democratic Decentralization of Natural Resources - Institutionalizing Popular Participation File published ('Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Biodiversity', 'CBNRM', 'Learning Group')
WRI Publication: Waiting for Democracy WRI Publication: Waiting for Democracy File published ('Biodiversity',)
NRM DG PARTIC Collection published ()
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