
An assessment of the U.S. Agency for International Development forestry program: Needs and opportunities, final report.

An assessment of the U.S. Agency for International Development forestry program: Needs and opportunities, final report.

Author(s): Norman E. Borlaug, Samuel H. Butterfield, Hans M. Gregerson, Norman E. Johnson, Frank H. Wadsworth, Robert L. Young

Publication Date: 1985

Location: World


SUMMARY: This mid-1980's program assessment was conducted to determine if USAID's forestry activities, policies, strategies and linkages support the priorities and the strengthening of science and technology in US development assistance programs. Five conclusions concerning AID's global forestry programs were drawn: Sustainable economic and social development requires the integration of forestry with agriculture and village industry; The contribution of forestry to agriculture and rural development must incorporate research; Transferring technology, adapting it and implementing it are critical to the success of forestry technical assistance; Forestry support should be expanded and intensified, which will require strengthening of professional capability; The effectiveness of forestry program design and implementation can be increased with better coordination among donor agencies; Non-technical solutions to forestry problems should be explored and more sensitivity to social issues should be given. The authors recommend an increase in forestry assistance despite the large sums of money that have already been allocated to this sector. The authors note that the U.S. is especially qualified to provide forestry information due to experience in public forest administration, forest management, research and extension technologies, harvesting and processing of forest products. The urgency of following the team's recommendations is emphasized, as managed forests are slow to mature and therefore forestry programs must be initiated efficiently and rapidly.

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