
Surviving the cut: Natural forest management in the humid tropics

Surviving the cut: Natural forest management in the humid tropics

Author(s): Nels Johnson, Bruce Cabarle

Publication Date: 1993

Location: World


This special report and analysis derives from the Colloquium on Sustainability in Natural Tropical Forest Management held in 1991 to discuss development assistance for natural forest management (NFM) in the tropics. The document analyzes past forest management programs and recommends actions enabling more productive, more sustainable, and more equitable NFM in the tropics.The document defines and briefly describes the state of natural tropical forests and notes important constraints to sustainable NFM. Bans and boycotts are analyzed and deemed less effective than timber certification. Three examples of NFM by governments or the private sector are examined in Colombia, Malaysia, and Cote d'Ivoire. CBNFM is discussed and examples are presented from Mexico and Peru.The authors suggest three key aspects to successful CBNFM are land and resource tenure, development of organizational cohesion and management skills, and blending of local knowledge with technical assistance to promote sustainable production.The authors recommend broadening NFM's mandate to address the urgency and complexity of tropical forest issues. A broad, effective NFM mandate would require: Establishing an ecological basis for NFM; Improving timber concession agreements and rent capture; Strengthening community-based management systems; Applying a 'use it or lose it' principle of conservation through NFM; Establishing policies for a permanent forest estate.

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