
Management Expenses of Environmental Funds Featured November 17, 2010

Management Expenses of Environmental Funds Featured November 17, 2010

Author(s): Kathleen Mikitin

Publication Date: 2010


Through two Congressionally-authorized innovative debt relief programs, the 1991 Enterprises for the Americas Initiative (EAI) and the 1998 Tropical Forest Conservation Act (TFCA), USAID and the Departments of State and Treasury have jointly overseen the creation and operation of dedicated “Funds” designed to collect and distribute debt relief proceeds as grants in support of environmental protection, child survival and child development, and tropical forest conservation activities. To date, twenty-three Fund accounts have been created in 17 countries. Direct management of each “Fund” is entrusted to an expressly created or previously existing private, non-profit entity. Direct oversight is assured by a dedicated governing body, which can be a Board, Council or “Oversight Committee” (OC).

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