High-Level Virtual Roundtable on CBNRM Policy in Southern Africa
In June 2013, USAID’s Capitalizing Knowledge, Connecting Communities hosted an online High-Level CBNRM Policy Roundtable with policy-makers and influencers in Zambia, Botswana, Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Namibia to share the results from the 4-year CBNRM stocktaking assessment process and to discuss the potential for integrating CBNRM approaches into national development strategies, plans and policies.
High-Level Virtual Roundtable on CBNRM Policy in Southern Africa
In June 2013, USAID’s Capitalizing Knowledge, Connecting Communities hosted an online High-Level CBNRM Policy Roundtable with policy-makers and influencers in Zambia, Botswana, Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Namibia to share the results from the 4-year CBNRM stocktaking assessment process and to discuss the potential for integrating CBNRM approaches into national development strategies, plans and policies.
The roundtable also served as an opportunity to introduce 5 policy briefs on CBNRM in southern Africa, including its impacts on rural development, rural democracy, conservation and wildlife, and climate change.
2013-06-25 09.10 High-Level Virtual Roundtable on CBNRM Policy in Southern Africa from FRAMEweb on Vimeo.