With USAID increasingly using Private Sector Engagement (PSE) to achieve development results, the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Environment PSE learning group is working to build the evidence base and share knowledge and information on how to use existing PSE resources and tools in the LAC environment context to achieve Agency objectives.

PSE is a key element of USAID’s policy framework to further its development objectives and sustain investments and outcomes. There is increasing recognition that the private sector’s strengths, such as agility, links to markets, and customer focus, can complement donors’ abilities to deliver development results. The Agency emphasizes PSE in the Effective Partnering and Procurement Reform, a key component of the Acquisition and Assistance Strategy, and is developing new resources and products to assist USAID staff in all sectors with appropriate and productive engagement. Still, information on PSE in the environment sector is scarce, and alignment between environment and private sector goals can be challenging. LAC Environment Officers still struggle with determining when and how to collaborate with the private sector for better long-term environment and development outcomes. With USAID increasingly using PSE to achieve development results, a current priority is building the evidence base and sharing knowledge and information about effectively using this engagement to meet its environment objectives. Additionally, it is necessary to understand how to apply and use the Agency’s existing PSE resources and tools in the LAC environment context.