BRIDGE Reference Sheets

Biodiversity Reference Sheet

Ecosystems provide goods and services critical to human development and well-being such as food, fiber, clean water, fertile soil and pollination.

Democracy, Human Rights and Governance Reference Sheet

Democracy, human rights and governance (DRG) challenges—such as weak institutions, insecure access to natural resources and lack of participation in decision-making—are key drivers of biodiversity loss, and DRG programming can yield substantial benefits for biodiversity.

Food Security Reference Sheet

Ecosystems provide goods and services that support food production—including provision of wild foods and water, pest control and pollination—and biodiversity programming can have significant positive impacts on food security.

Health Reference Sheet

Intact, biologically diverse ecosystems play important roles in promoting health and fighting disease by providing goods and services including wild foods, natural medicines, and clean air and water.

Water and Sanitation Reference Sheet

Natural ecosystems capture, store and purify water, allowing biodiversity programming to complement and protect water and sanitation investments.

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