1. Navigate to the USAID DEC Search: https://dec.usaid.gov/dec/home/Default.aspx
2. From the SEARCH menu in the upper left corner, select Documents.
3. On the search page that appears, add your search terms to the Text of Document field. If you ar searching for a phrase, enclose your terms in quotes. To search for multiple terms or phrases, use AND if both should be in included in the document; use OR if either should be included in the document. When you have added your terms, press enter.
4. On the search results page, click the checkboxes next to the items whose metadata you want to download.
5. In the grey menus above the search results, open the menu that says, "Download Summary As" and select "XML"
6. A pop-up window will appear. The XML file may take a few moments to compile and save, particularly for larger data sets. In that window you'll see a link for: "Your selected content". Right-click that link (control-click on mac) and save the linked XML file, making a note of where the XML file is saved on your computer.