FCMC continues work on nested REDD+ safeguards in Peru
FCMC supported work on REDD+ safeguards in Peru through its core partner Conservation International (CI) since early 2013. This includes establishing important links and cooperation between Peru’s Ministry of Environment (MINAM) and the Regional Government of San Martin on institutional arrangements for REDD+ in Peru. Click here for a webstory on earlier achievements from this project.
During the previous quarter, work continued to finalize the documentation of the “Technical Workshop: Development of systems of information about safeguards for REDD+,” conducted in Lima, October 24-25, 2013. MINAM also prepared a draft road map for the implementation of a national safeguards information system which would include San Martin as a regional component. One of the most important lessons learned throughout project implementation thus far is the importance of the strong coordination process established between the Regional Government of San Martin and MINAM.
San Martin indicators for the REDD+ Social and Environmental Standards (SES) initiative were also developed and the validation process was started. Other work to forward REDD+ SES continued. This included the third meeting of the Technical Group for the REDD+ SES initiative and meetings with the Regional Direction for Social Inclusion (DRIS) on DRIS’s participation in the REDD+ SES process to help support indigenous peoples issues. Several meetings were also held with MINAM to plan next steps regarding dissemination processes focused on Regional Governments of Ucayali and Loreto and staff from MINAM and other prioritized sectors within the national government.
FCMC’s support in Peru is expected to continue through to the fourth quarter in 2014. A priority for this work is to support MINAM to coordinate on REDD+ issues for the upcoming 20th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, to take place in Lima in December 2014.