FCMC Resources
Final Report: Forest Carbon, Markets and Communities (FCMC) Program
Tetra Tech was awarded the three-and-one-half year Forest Carbon, Markets, and Communities Program (FCMC) Task Order (TO) by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in late March 2011.
Understanding Land Use in the UNFCCC
Greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use are critical to combat climate change.
REDD+ Supply and Demand 2015-2025
Forest loss in developing countries represents a significant contribution to global emissions along with significant climate change mitigation potential.
Status of Climate Finance and REDD+ Under the UNFCCC
This paper provides an overview of relevant Conference of Parties (COP) decisions and the current status of negotiations on finance issues related to Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, conservation of forest carbon stocks, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+).
Supporting Zero-Deforestation Cattle in Colombia
Colombia is among the world’s top cattle-producing countries, with more than 23 million head of beef and dairy cattle occupying approximately 38 percent of the total land area.
California Climate Legislation: Cap-and-Trade and International Forest Carbon Offsets
Prepared in advance of a webcast held on the AB 32 law for institutional investors and the general public, this briefing paper summarizes the findings and analysis of the full report produced by FCMC.
Mangroves in West Africa: A Policy Brief
This brief provides information and recommendations for policy makers, researchers, and practitioners in national governments and regional institutions in West African coastal countries on how to improve mangrove management strategies and strengthen links to climate change.
Les mangroves en Afrique de l'ouest Note d' orientation
Cette note fournit des informations et des recommandations aux décideurs, chercheurs et spécialistes au sein des gouvernements nationaux ou des institutions régionales d’Afrique de l’Ouest sur les moyens destinés à améliorer les stratégies de gestion des mangroves et à déterminer les liens avec le changement climatique.
Incentivizing No-Deforestation Palm Oil Production in Liberia and the Democratic Republic of Congo
The objective of this paper is to identify and develop options for actions that the U.
Report: West Africa Regional Workshop on Mangroves and Climate Change
This report highlights the presentations and discussions at an experts' workshop on Mangroves and Climate Change, organized by FCMC and the USFS Office of International Programs.
Mangrove Reserves in Five West African Countries
This issues brief, prepared for a regional workshop on Mangrove ecosystems and climate change co-hosted by FCMC, provides background information on the existing status of mangrove forests throughout five West African countries.
Issues Brief: Mangroves and Climate Change
This issues brief, prepared for a regional workshop on mangrove ecosystems and climate change co-hosted by FCMC, catalogues the state of play across international organizations, multilateral institutions, and regional projects on mangroves and blue carbon.
Report Brief: The Knowledge and Skills Needed to Engage in REDD+: A Competencies Framework
This brief summarizes the key concepts and conclusions found in the full REDD+ Competencies Framework developed by the Alliance for Global REDD+ Capacity.
The Knowledge and Skills Needed to Engage in REDD+: A Competencies Framework
From forest-dependent communities to government staff, many stakeholders are in need of comprehensive information to effectively engage in the design and implementation of REDD+ activities.
Shifting Cultivation, Gender and REDD+ in Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo - Brief
This report presents the findings of field studies on shifting cultivation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Cameroon that the Forest Carbon, Markets and Communities (FCMC) Program commissioned.
La culture itinérante, le genre et la REDD+ au Cameroun et en République Démocratique du Congo
La culture itinérante – également appelée culture sur brûlis, ou culture de rotation – est le système de gestion des ressources naturelles sur lequel reposent la production alimentaire et les moyens de subsistance dans les zones forestière d’Afrique centrale et nombre d’autres pays.
PowerPoint Presentation on Shifting Cultivation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
This presentation was prepared for and delivered at the Annual Conference for the International Society of Tropical Foresters (ISTF) in January 2013.
Conocimientos y Destrezas Necesarios para Participar en REDD+: Un Marco de Competencias: Informe Temático
Este informe resume los conceptos claves y conclusiones del informe largo sobre Competencias de REDD, desarrollado por La Alianza Global del Desarrollo de Competencias para REDD+.
Workshop Report: Shifting Cultivation, Gender and REDD+ in West and Central Africa
In July 2012, FCMC hosted a workshop in Washington, DC to act as the starting point for its study on Shifting Cultivation, Deforestation, Gender and REDD+.
California Cap-and-Trade and International Forest Carbon Offsets for Institutional Investors
This report was prepared to help educate institutional investors about forest carbon markets in general, and more specifically, how forest carbon elements of the new AB 32 law in California may impact institutional investors.