FCMC Contributes to FCPF's second and third Methodological Design Forums
FCMC is supporting this effort via technical assistance to produce background papers on a selection of topics, along with direct technical advice on the Methodological Framework. The framework will assist Carbon Fund Participants along with civil society, private sector and Indigenous Peoples Carbon Fund observer representatives in assessing the program proposals.
The FCPF fund management team is coordinating the development of the Methodological Framework through a series of technical Design Forum workshops. A brief report on FCMC’s support for the first workshop is available here. FCMC staff Paula Williams, Senior Director, Social and Environmental Soundness, and Robert O'Sullivan, Senior Director Finance and Carbon Markets, attended and contributed to the discussion at the second Design Forum held on February 26 – 28, 2013. The topics of the second Design Forum included World Bank safeguards and the FCPF Carbon Fund, additional safeguards for ER-Programs, safeguard reporting, indigenous peoples perspectives, benefit sharing, feedback and grievance redress mechanism
The third Design Forum was held on April 23 – 25, 2013 and covered topics of carbon rights and land tenure, non-carbon benefits, operational and financial planning for ER-Programs and registry systems for REDD+. FCMC contributed a background paper on operational and financial planning for ER-Programs. Leslie Durschinger – founder and managing director of FCMC implementing partner Terra Global Capital and the lead author – presented the paper at the Design Forum. The paper and presentation laid out the financial and operational issues that could be considered when designing and evaluating ER-Programs along with possible draft criteria and indicators that could be considered by the Carbon Fund. Robert O’Sullivan also attended the Design Forum and led a breakout sessions on carbon rights. In addition to these rolls, both participated in the technical discussions on the other topics over the three days.
FCMC will continue to support the development of the Methodological Framework through additional revisions to all technical papers and further contributions to the development of the Methodological Framework.