FCMC Engages with Tropical Foresters during Two Day Conference

FCMC Engages with Tropical Foresters during Two Day Conference
On January 24, 2012 representatives from FCMC attended the 19th Annual Conference of the International Society of Tropical Foresters (ISTF), Yale Chapter. The conference aimed to integrate development and conservation goals into landscape planning and forest management while considering challenges and lessons learned. Jacque Pollini, an FCMC consultant, delivered a presentation of his initial findings from a study regarding shifting cultivation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. SES Deputy Director Janis Alcorn led a panel discussion on Rights-based Approaches to Cultivating Resilient Landscapes.

Diane Russell, Senior Social Scientist in USAID’s Forestry and Biodiversity Office and SES Activity Manager for FCMC, also participated in the conference and led panel discussions regarding gender analysis in land use, and reconciling scale issues when dealing with landscapes.

To view a video of the presentation, and the rest of the conference, click here. For more information regarding the ISTF and to download the conference schedule, click here .

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