FCMC Events Raise Visibility for Forest Carbon Markets

FCMC Events Raise Visibility for Forest Carbon Markets
On April 22nd and 26th, 2013 FCMC hosted two forest carbon market events—one in New York City, in conjunction with the Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) Summit, and one at the Tetra Tech offices in Arlington, VA.

With more than 90 people in attendance at both workshops, FCMC highlighted recent developments in forest carbon markets and disseminated more than 150 recent FCMC-related reports, brochures and related material.

At the BNEF pre-Summit workshop “Investment Opportunities in Forest Carbon Markets,” speakers from Terra Global Capital, USAID’s Development Credit Authority, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), as well as FCMC’s Senior Director of Finance and Carbon Markets, Robert O’Sullivan, addressed an investor-focused audience. Panelists discussed recent developments, emerging opportunities and eligibility risks, de-risking investments in mitigation products and the application of available instruments. At the end of the session, with a four-to-one show of hands, participants agreed that they felt more optimistic about the state of forest carbon markets than they had before the workshop.

On Friday, April 26, attendees from greater D.C. convened for FCMC’s panel “Recent Developments in Forest Carbon Markets.” Many of the same speakers from Monday’s workshop assembled to highlight the outlook for market balance, new approaches to national readiness and findings from recent FCMC research in Colombia. Also discussed were practical applications of political risk guarantees and insurance. The event concluded with an informative question and answer session on the future of REDD+ and challenges on the road ahead.

Both events were introduced by Erik Streed, USAID’s FCMC manager. Terra Global Capital is a core FCMC partner.

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