FCMC represented at Climate Change Training in Peru

FCMC represented at Climate Change Training in Peru
On March 20, 2014, Dr. Claudio Schneider, Technical Director, Conservation International (CI) Peru, gave a talk about the FCMC program as part of USAID’s Global Climate Change and Development South America Training.

The training took place in Lima, Peru, from March 16 - 21 and was attended by approximately 25 participants, including USAID personnel from the Americas, as well as representatives from the Peace Corps and other USAID partner organizations. The training is part of an initiative to mainstream climate change into all USAID development activities, and its target audience is mainly USAID personnel across the organization that so far have not been directly involved in activities addressing climate change issues.

The FCMC presentation was part of the Regional Initiatives Session that also included talks on the SilvaCarbon program and the Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA) 2020 initiative. This session provided an overview of the most important climate change capacity building programs that are currently implemented by USAID, as well as good examples of collaboration between programs in the region—such as the collaboration between FCMC and SilvaCarbon to build capacities on Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) in Peru and Colombia. The description of the FCMC program and its four components: Social and Environmental Soundness (SES); Finance and Carbon Markets (FCM); Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS); and MRV; also provided trainees with examples of practical application of the theoretical concepts they learned earlier in the week. The session provided the basis for a very dynamic question and answer session.

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