Work progresses on Peru nested REDD+ safeguards
From March 12 to June 10, 2014, work has progressed with FCMC’s nested REDD+ safeguards project in Peru. The nested REDD+ safeguards project is helping to build capacity and understanding of safeguards at the regional and national level in Peru. The most recent work includes taking important steps towards integration with regional governments on REDD+ safeguards issues and increasing outreach and dissemination of materials.
FCMC has been supporting work on REDD+ safeguards in Peru through its core partner Conservation International(CI) since early 2013. This includes establishing important links and cooperation between Peru’s Ministry of Environment (MINAM) and the Regional Government of San Martin on institutional arrangements for REDD+ in Peru. This initiative provides an important framework to work through social and environmental issues for REDD+ and makes San Martin a pioneer on REDD+ safeguards in Peru.
A number of workshops were held in Peru in the past quarter on various topics, including capacity building , safeguards and spatial maps. On May 13th, a workshop for coffee producers was held in San Martin with the goal of introducing the possible effects of climate change on coffee production activities, providing information on progress in climate change issues in the San Martin region, and inviting private companies and producer associations to participate in emission reduction processes. The fourth REDD+ SES initiative technical group meeting was held in Lima on May 26th, and included representatives of the three organizations engaged in the technical group, as well as an environmental regional authority representative from San Martin and the MINAM safeguard’s specialist. On May 27 and 28, the Ministry of Environment led a technical workshop on safeguards that included the participation of seven regional government representatives and funders including the regional governments of Piura, Amazonas, San Martin, Ucayali, Madre de Dios, Cusco and Loreto along with GIZ, UN-REDD and CI. The workshop was led by Lucas Dourojeanni, Communications and Safeguards Coordinator of the MINAM REDD+ Team.
Additionally, the fourth REDD+ SES initiative technical group meeting was held in Lima on May 26th, and included representatives of the three organizations engaged in the technical group as well as an environmental regional authority representative from San Martin and the MINAM safeguard specialist. CI is in the process of finishing a video on REDD+ and safeguards, three safeguards factsheets on the REDD+ processes in Peru and a training tool kit guide, all in very close collaboration with MINAM and the Regional Government of San Martin.
FCMC’s support in Peru is expected to continue through to the fourth quarter in 2014. A priority for this work is to support MINAM to coordinate on REDD+ issues for the upcoming 20th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, to take place in Lima in December 2014—particularly information on how Safeguard Information Systems are being designed.