
GCP Evaluation Report

GCP Evaluation Report

Author(s): USAID

Publication Date: 2008


The evaluation of USAID’s Global Conservation Program (GCP) described in this report was conducted between June 2007 and March 2008, through a Task Order under the Prosperity, Livelihoods, and Conserving Ecosystems (PLACE) Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC). The GCP is a Leader with Associates (LWA) assistance mechanism that began in 1999, and funded six US-based non governmental organizations (NGOs) involved in biodiversity conservation to conduct site-level work in more than 25 specific landscapes and seascapes worldwide. The GCP partner NGOs are the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), Conservation International (CI), Enterprise Works-VITA (EWV), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), and World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The GCP’s central mandate focuses on achieving landscape-level conservation results in a representative selection of the world’s most biodiverse areas. The program also focuses on the sharing of lessons learned and conservation approaches between sites and among partners.

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