The Nature of Conservation Enterprises

The nature main photoConservation enterprises are businesses designed to generate economic and social benefits that increase self-reliance and motivate communities to reduce threats to biodiversity. Over the past two decades, USAID has supported conservation enterprises of different types, at different scales, and involving different partners all over the world. This rare look-back at conservation enterprise approaches includes a review of six sites where an enterprise approach to conservation has been implemented for about 20 years, sometimes more. For each site, implementing partners and stakeholders were interviewed to examine the assumptions in the theory of change for conservation enterprises, as well as probe deeper into the conditions needed for long-term enterprise and conservation sustainability. USAID undertook this effort as part of its Conservation Enterprises Learning Group, a community of practice that developed the generalized theory of change as a framework for cross-site comparison and learning.


The Nature of Conservation Enterprises Resources

The Nature of Conservation Enterprises: A 20-year retrospective evaluation of the theory of change behind this widely used approach to biodiversity conservation

Jun 28, 2018 · File

USAID’s “The Nature of Conservation Enterprises: A 20-year retrospective evaluation of the theory of change behind this widely used approach to biodiversity conservation” uses a theory of change to examine the assumptions and draw lessons learned on the conditions needed for enterprise and conservation sustainability from six sites across the globe.

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La Naturaleza de las Empresas de Conservácion: Una evaluación retrospectiva de 20 años de la teoría del cambio detrás de este enfoque ampliamente utilizado para la conservácion de la biodiversidad

Dec 06, 2021 · File

“La Naturaleza de las Empresas de Conservácion: Una evaluación retrospectiva de 20 años de la teoría del cambio detrás de este enfoque ampliamente utilizado para la conservácion de la biodiversidad” de USAID utiliza una teoría del cambio para examinar los supuestos y extraer lecciones aprendidas sobre las condiciones necesarias para la sostenibilidad de las empresas y la conservación de seis sitios en todo el mundo.

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Photo Story: The Nature of Conservation Enterprises: A 20-Year Retrospective Evaluation

Jul 11, 2018 · Folder

“The Nature of Conservation Enterprises: A 20-Year Retrospective Evaluation” photo story is a collection of images from six conservation enterprise sites in the Philippines, Guatemala, Uganda, and Nepal.

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