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Search results of Nature, Wealth, and Power
Title | Description | Subject |
Nature, Wealth, Power 2.0: Leveraging Natural and Social Capital for Resilient Development | This volume is a sequel to the original Nature, Wealth, & Power framework paper (NWP1), produced in 2002. That document, although focused on rural Africa, was found useful by a variety of development practitioners around the world, and elicited significant interest from different disciplines and regions from both practical and theoretical perspectives. The world context has changed since 2002, and development theory and practice have also evolved. Therefore, in 2012, USAID initiated an assessment and updating of the NWP framework. This second framework paper (NWP2) is targeted at practitioners involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of natural resource–based rural development activities around the world, trying to make them more equitable, efficient, and effective. We also hope it will be useful to policy makers who are designing policies, laws, and administrative instruments to spur rural development. It does not claim to be a sure-fire recipe for success, but is an updated framework compiled from and consisting of best practices. Featured January, 2014. | ['Non-Cash Benefits', 'Biodiversity Linkage', 'Government Requirements', 'Governance', 'Climate Change and Severe Weather', 'CE Community Resources', 'Market Demand', 'RMP', 'Sustainably Harvested Timber Products', 'Resources', 'Aquaculture and Mariculture', 'Inputs', 'Stakeholder Alignment', 'Infrastructure', 'FRAME', 'Agriculture and Aquaculture', 'Business Alliances', 'Forest Ecosystems', 'Grassland Ecosystems', 'Freshwater Ecosystems', 'Marine/Freshwater Ecotourism', 'Benefit Sharing', 'Biodiversity', 'Ownership', 'Crops', 'Marine Ecosystems', 'Targeted Participants', 'Sustainably Harvested Fish and Shellfish', 'Policies for Enterprises', 'Communities', 'Increased Income for Participants', 'Attitudes Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Biological Resource Use', 'Combined Strategic Approaches', 'Policies for and Enforcement of Resource Use', 'Non-Timber Forest Products', 'Livestock', 'Technical Capacity', 'Financial Management Capacity', 'Terrestrial Ecotourism', 'Diversification', 'Library', 'Access to Credit Capital', 'Planning for External Disturbance', 'Behaviors Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Species', 'CE Community'] |
2007/6 TransLinks "Nature, Wealth, & Power Workshop" Quezon City, Philippines | June 20-21, 2007, Quezon City, Philippines. This workshop entitled “Translinks: Linking Natural Resources, Economic Growth and Good Governance Workshop” was hosted by EnterpriseWorks/VITA and was made possible by support from USAID through the TransLinks Cooperative Agreement. | ['Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Workshop', 'EnterpriseWorks/VITA-Relief International (EWV-RI)'] |
A Global Assessment of Community Based Natural Resource Management: Addressing the Critical Challenges of the Rural Sector | CBNRM: AN ASSESSMENT WITH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE FUTURE. Rural development issues are critical not only for the rural areas themselves but also for addressing pressing global concerns of food security (FS), climate change, biodiversity conservation, poverty reduction, provision of environmental goods and services, and good governance. Community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) has been a rural development strategy for over 30 years. This paper has a two-fold objective: to assess the CBNRM experience in order to improve the performance of CBNRM itself, and to evaluate the lessons learned from CBNRM for critical issues – especially food security and climate change. Featured June, 2013 | ['Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Feature', 'CBNRM', 'Community-based Natural Resources Management', 'News: USAID NRMD Featured Stories'] |
A Global Assessment of Community Based Natural Resources Management: Addressing the Critical Challenges of the Rural Sector | CBNRM: An assessment with recommendations for the future. Rural development issues are critical not only for the rural areas themselves but also for addressing pressing global concerns of food security (FS), climate change, biodiversity conservation, poverty reduction, provision of environmental goods and services, and good governance. | ['Energy Production and Mining', 'Biodiversity', 'Non-Cash Benefits', 'Technical Capacity', 'Human Intrusions and Disturbance', 'RMP', 'Governance', 'Policies for Enterprises', 'Climate Change and Severe Weather', 'CE Community Resources', 'Market Demand', 'Increased Income for Participants', 'Attitudes Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Biological Resource Use', 'Resources', 'Inputs', 'Stakeholder Alignment', 'Benefit Sharing', 'FRAME', 'Library', 'Business Alliances', 'Forest Ecosystems', 'Profit Potential', 'CE Community', 'Behaviors Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Communities'] |
Nature, Wealth, and Power (NWP) Working Group | NWP was a framework that allowed practitioners, planners, and policy-makers in a number of places to see the various interlinked dimensions of rural development, and develop and implement programs that were more successful and sustainable. | ['Project', 'Completed Projects', 'Completed'] |
Nature, Wealth and Power | USAID et al., 2002. Nature, Wealth and Power (727KB PDF). USAID. Washington, D.C. 36p. | ['RMP', 'Biodiversity', 'Poverty Reduction Seminar', 'Resources', 'Seminar Reading List 1', 'Training', 'Library'] |
TransLinks: Promoting Transformations by linking Nature, Wealth and Power - Final Technical Report | The TransLinks program (2006-2012) - a major initiative of the United States Agency for International Development, Office of Land Tenure and Resource Management within the Bureau of Economic Growth, Education and Environment. Over 5.5-years, the Wildlife Conservation Society with its partners, Forest Trends, Enterprise Works/VITA (a division of Relief International), the Nelson Institute/Land Tenure Center at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and the Earth Institute/Center for Environmental Research and Conservation at Columbia University, identified, developed, and disseminated lessons, best practices, and tools from projects that promote the integration of nature, wealth and power around the world. Featured October, 2013. | ['NWP2', 'NWP', 'Wealth', 'Wildlife Friendly Certification', 'EnterpriseWorks/VITA-Relief International (EWV-RI)', 'Forest Trends (FT)', 'TransLinks', 'Feature', 'PES', 'Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)', 'Nature', 'Biodiversity', 'Nature, Wealth, and Power (NWP)', 'Power', 'Wildlife Conservation Society', 'Nature, Wealth, and Power', 'News: USAID NRMD Featured Stories', 'Learning Group'] |
Community Based Natural Resources (CBNRM) Assessment Working Group | The CBNRM working group project assessed the state of community-based natural resource management. It focused on the CBNRM principles that apply across a broad range of sub-sectors and landscapes, which could be used to guide program design and implementation, particularly in climate change and food security initiatives. CBNRM principles are in essence the principles found in the Nature, Wealth, and Power (NWP) document (USAID, 2002 | ['Project', 'Completed Projects', 'Completed', 'Community-based Natural Resources Management'] |
NWP Annotation by Jon Anderson | The paper represents an attempt to improve (by adding People) and then apply the Nature, Wealth and Power framework to a set of community forestry activities in one area of Madagascar. The authors interviewed members of the community, forest service and NGOs. The application of the framework revealed that there were gaps in the ability of the approach to meet all dimensions of the framework for all participant groups. The paper concludes that the PNWP approach to design may result in interventions “that are more responsive to the gamut of interests and relationships..., take into account the different forest ecosystems and relative needs of the community and therefore prove to be more sustainable in the longer term.” | |
Democracy, Human Rights and Governance and Biodiversity Conservation Linkages | This document provides examples of how and where USAID has advanced democracy, rights, and governance (DRG) objectives—such as participation, inclusion, transparency, and accountability. USAID's approaches include promoting co-management approaches; tackling environmental crime and wildlife trafficking; strengthening the legal and judicial sectors; strengthening land and marine tenure systems; employing policy economy analysis; and enhancing the capacity of civil society to hold governments accountable. These examples illustrate how biodiversity conservation and DRG integration can help create the conditions needed for stable and sustainable development. | ['BRIDGE', 'Biodiversity', 'Democracy', 'Rights', 'BRIDGE Resources', 'CWT', 'Governance', 'Conservation', 'Democracy, Rights, and Governance', 'Democracy, Rights, and Governance (DRG)', 'Conservation Crimes', 'DRG', 'Cross-Sectoral Integration', 'Biodiversity Results and Integrated Development Gains Enhanced', 'Learning Group', 'Crimes', 'Political Economy Analysis (PEA)', 'Featured Resources', 'Report', 'Combating Wildlife Trafficking', 'BiodiversityLinks'] |
IRG Powerpoint Presentation: State of the Art Food Security Assessment | Powerpoint Presentation | ['RMP', 'Food Security', 'Poverty Reduction Seminar', 'Training', 'Library', 'Biodiversity', 'Poverty Seminar Presentations', 'Presentation', 'Resources'] |
Linkages Between Participatory Natural Resource Management and Democratic Outcomes: A Review of the Evidence | It is widely accepted that participatory natural resource management (PNRM) can provide more effective social and ecological outcomes, but no comprehensive assessment has focused on how PNRM affects democratic outcomes more broadly. This systematic evidence review addresses that knowledge gap to answer: 1) What conditions have linked PNRM, positively or negatively, to democratic outcomes? 2) How has PNRM been linked to equity and empowerment? 3) What is the evidence base and where do remaining knowledge gaps exist? The evidence review concludes with lessons learned and implications for future programming. | ['Featured Resources', 'Global', 'New Resources', 'Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM)', 'Evidence', 'Biodiversity', 'BiodiversityLinks', 'Technical Brief', 'Natural Resource Management'] |
Advancing Participatory Natural Resource Management and Democratic Outcomes: Lessons Drawn from the Evidence | Participatory natural resource management (PNRM) has important effects on broader democratic outcomes that should be considered in environment and DRG programming. This technical brief provides a summary of lessons learned from more than 150 relevant articles. | ['Biodiversity', 'Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM)', 'INRM', 'Climate', 'Natural Resource Management', 'New Resources', 'Global', 'Resources'] |
Conservation is Development | This resource provides an overview of programming examples, tools and approaches, and evidence that support cross-sectoral collaboration to achieve shared development goals. It was developed by the Biodiversity Results and Integrated Development Gains Enhanced (BRIDGE) project, a five-year contract (2015-2020) to advance the second goal of USAID’s Biodiversity Policy, to “integrate biodiversity as an essential component of human development.” BRIDGE collaborates with USAID’s Office of Forestry and Biodiversity, Missions, and regional and technical bureaus to explore the evidence base, identify entry points in the Program Cycle, and share learning on integrating biodiversity conservation with other development outcomes. | ['Cross-Sectoral Integration', 'BRIDGE', 'Biodiversity Results and Integrated Development Gains Enhanced', 'Food Security', 'Learning Group', 'BRIDGE Resources', 'Economic Growth/Livelihoods', 'Biodiversity', 'One Health', 'Livelihoods', 'Economic Growth', 'BiodiversityLinks', 'Fact Sheet'] |
Conservation Enterprises Brief | Promoting conservation enterprises is a strategy that is widely supported by USAID biodiversity funding. However, the evidence that conservation enterprises lead to conservation is mixed. In an effort to increase the understanding of conservation enterprises’ activities and outcomes and to improve the effectiveness of biodiversity programming, this brief synthesizes lessons from past USAID-funded efforts to support conservation enterprises. | ['Measuring Impact', 'Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Conservation Enterprises', 'Economic Growth/Livelihoods', 'MI', 'CE', 'Economic Growth', 'Technical Brief', 'Livelihoods', 'MI Project Resources'] |
Conservation Enterprises Brief | Promoting conservation enterprises is a strategy that is widely supported by USAID biodiversity funding. However, the evidence that conservation enterprises lead to conservation is mixed. In an effort to increase the understanding of conservation enterprises’ activities and outcomes and to improve the effectiveness of biodiversity programming, this brief synthesizes lessons from past USAID-funded efforts to support conservation enterprises. | ['Biodiversity', 'Non-Cash Benefits', 'Business Alliances', 'Conservation Enterprises', 'Biodiversity Linkage', 'Targeted Participants', 'Government Requirements', 'RMP', 'Governance', 'Policies for Enterprises', 'Equipment', 'CE Community Resources', 'Market Demand', 'CE', 'Increased Income for Participants', 'Attitudes Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'Resources', 'Technical Capacity', 'Combined Strategic Approaches', 'Measuring Impact', 'Policies for and Enforcement of Resource Use', 'Learning Group', 'Benefit Sharing', 'Financial Management Capacity', 'Diversification', 'MI', 'Library', 'Access to Credit Capital', 'Ownership', 'Profit Potential', 'Planning for External Disturbance', 'CE Community', 'Behaviors Regarding Sustainable Use of Resources', 'FRAME', 'Communities', 'MI Project Resources'] |
Assessment of Biodiversity Integration Efforts | The Office of Forestry and Biodiversity (FAB) engaged Measuring Impact II to assess efforts to implement the USAID Biodiversity Policy's goal to "integrate biodiversity as an essential component of human development." The assessment investigated three modalities by which FAB, other Agency units, and implementing partners work on integration: building constituencies, leveraging entry points, and developing evidence. Overall, FAB integration efforts have produced many successes, including new constituencies and integration champions, guidance tools to improve integrated programming, and evidence for biodiversity’s importance to key development sectors. This Executive Summary provides highlights from the assessment and recommendations for future efforts. | ['Cross-Sectoral Integration', 'Adaptive Management', 'Conservation Standards', 'Monitoring', 'Learning Group', 'MEL', 'Measuring Impact II', 'Evaluation', 'Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL)', 'Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning', 'Biodiversity', 'Learning', 'Adaptive Management and Conservation Standards', 'MI2', 'Biodiversity Integration Efforts', 'Assessment of Biodiversity Integration Efforts', 'Adaptive Management Assessments', 'MI2 Project Resources'] |
TransLinks Brochure [NWP-1.5] | Overview of USAID TransLinks Program (Promoting Transformation by Linking Natural Resources, Economic Growth, and Good Governance), implemented from 2006-2012 by Wildlife Conservation Society, Forest Trends, EnterpriseWorks/VITA, Earth Institute at Columbia University, and Land Tenure Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. | ['NWP2', 'NWP', 'EnterpriseWorks/VITA-Relief International (EWV-RI)', 'Forest Trends (FT)', 'TransLinks', 'Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)', 'Biodiversity', 'Land Tenure Center (LTC)', 'Brochure', 'Brochures & Briefs', 'The Earth Institute (EI)'] |
TransLinks | ['Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Specialty Library'] | |
Linking Natural Resources, Economic Growth and Good Governance | The Philippine Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation Inc. (PTFCF) Linking Natural Resources, Economic Growth and Good Governance. | ['Biodiversity', 'Conservation Markets', 'TransLinks', 'Livelihood', 'Workshop', 'Presentation'] |
Conservation Enterprises: Using a theory of change approach to synthesize lessons from USAID biodiversity projects | In an effort to increase the understanding of conservation enterprises’ activities and outcomes and to improve the effectiveness of biodiversity programming, this brief synthesizes lessons from past USAID-funded efforts to support conservation enterprises | ['Adaptive Management', 'Biodiversity', 'Monitoring', 'MI Project Resources', 'Conservation Enterprises', 'CE', 'Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning', 'Economic Growth', 'Livelihoods', 'Evaluation', 'Measuring Impact (MI) Project Resources', 'Measuring Impact', 'Conservation Standards', 'Learning Group', 'MEL', 'Economic Growth/Livelihoods', 'MI', 'Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL)', 'Learning', 'Adaptive Management and Conservation Standards', 'Tool'] |
Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network: Anne Kent Taylor Fund | Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network Brief - Anne Kent Taylor Fund. Anne Kent Taylor Fund helps individuals, communities and corporations to conserve, protect and restore biodiversity in Kenya through sound economic activities that are ecologically sustainable. | ['Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)', 'Brochure', 'Wildlife-Friendly Enterprise', 'Brochures & Briefs'] |
Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network: All Things Alpaca | All Things Alpaca Ecuador produces exclusive garments from select alpaca fi bers while protecting endangered Andean (spectacled) bear and other wildlife that share the land. | ['Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)', 'Brochure', 'Wildlife-Friendly Enterprise', 'Brochures & Briefs'] |
Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network: Aroma Forest Essential Oils | Aroma Forest produces a range of essenti als oils. International cosmetic and aromatherapy companies such as Chanel and Yves Rocher purchase these products from the company. Aroma Forest products are not only Certified Wildlife Friendly™ but are also certified organic and satisfy international fair trade requirements. Aroma Forest markets through the Internet as well as through nati onal and international retail and wholesale sales. | ['Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)', 'Brochure', 'Wildlife-Friendly Enterprise', 'Brochures & Briefs'] |
Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network: Elephant Pepper | Elephant Pepper aims to promote the livelihood of farmers living in elephant range through training, the deployment of appropriate conflict mitigation methods and development of agricultural techniques which promote elephant conservation. | ['Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)', 'Brochure', 'Wildlife-Friendly Enterprise', 'Brochures & Briefs'] |
Investing in Threatened Species Conservation: Does Corruption Outweigh Purchasing Power? | The authors assessed where the best value for money might be obtained for investment in threatened species that occur at a single site, when taking into account corruption. | ['Community Topics', 'RMP', 'Biodiversity', 'FRAME', 'Library', 'FRAME Community', 'Topic', 'Gov Community', 'Gov Community Resources', 'Communities', 'Corruption', 'Resources'] |
Nature, wealth, and power : emerging best practice for revitalizing rural Africa | ['Development Program Design', 'Development Program Planning', 'Integrated Development Programs', 'Development Strategies', 'Governance', 'Case Studies', 'Environmental Management', 'Economic Aspects', 'Rural Areas'] | |
TransLinks Collection | Link to entire TransLinks ("Promoting Transformation by Linking Nature, Wealth, and Power") program collection. Many of the cases herein are cases of CBNRM. | |
TransLinks - Lessons about Payments for Ecosystem Services and Wildlife-Friendly Enterprise [Video] | To promote transformation by linking natural resources, economic growth, and good governance (or “Nature, Wealth and Power”), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) partnered with the Wildlife Conservation Society, Forest Trends, Enterprise Works/VITA, the Land Tenure Center of the University of Wisconsin, and the Earth Institute of Columbia University, to create TransLinks. This five-year program was tasked with identifying best practices and lessons from the partners’ projects around the world that have attempted to apply the new tools of payments for ecosystem services (PES) and Wildlife Friendly enterprise/value chain certification to support people living in threatened ecosystems, through conservation and sustainable use of the natural resource base upon which their livelihoods depend. Produced by the Wildlife Conservation Society, the program’s lead organization, this 26-minute film presents lessons from six case studies highlighting TransLinks' most interesting findings and outcomes. | ['News: USAID NRMD Video Spotlight', 'Video', 'TransLinks'] |
Land tenure issues in tropical forests: whom to pay for biodiversity conservation? (Presentation) | Presentation given by Land Tenure Center at ICREI Conference on Biodiversity, June 17-18, 2010 in Aix-en-Provence, France | ['Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Presentation', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Workshop'] |