
Malaysia Wildlife Trafficking Assessment

Malaysia Wildlife Trafficking Assessment

Author(s): ROUTES

Publication Date: 2019


Known trafficking instances along Malaysian air routes were primarily shipments of reptile (42% of total instances) and ivory products (22%).

In 2019, reports of marine species and bird trafficking instances increased. The top origin countries for reptile trafficking instances, which usually involved live animals, included India, Madagascar, and China. Reptile shipments were primarily turtles, including black pond turtles, red-eared sliders, and Chinese pond turtles, as well as Indian star tortoises, radiated tortoises, and ploughshare tortoises. These trafficking instances frequently used checked luggage, although a significant number of live animals have also been smuggled through air freight and on the passenger’s body. The total numbers reflect the scale of the trade—almost 16,000 turtles and tortoises were smuggled in known Malaysian air trafficking instances over the five years. 

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