SCAPES Landscape Profile: The Daurian Steppe Landscape
The Daurian Steppe was one of nine transboundary landscape-scale efforts under USAID’s Sustainable Conservation Approaches in Priority Ecosystems (SCAPES) project. SCAPES had two main goals in the Daurian Steppe: build a transboundary constituency for conservation and development planning, and reinforce a community-based model for wildlife and livestock management.
SCAPES Landscape Profile: The Daurian Steppe Landscape
The Daurian Steppe was one of nine transboundary landscape-scale efforts under USAID’s Sustainable Conservation Approaches in Priority Ecosystems (SCAPES) project. SCAPES had two main goals in the Daurian Steppe: build a transboundary constituency for conservation and development planning, and reinforce a community-based model for wildlife and livestock management.