SCAPES Archive
Final Report Executive Summary: Final Evaluation of the Sustainable Conservation Approaches in Priority Ecosystems Program
This final evaluation of the Sustainable Conservation Approaches in Priority Ecosystems (SCAPES) program assesses conservation strategies used by four implementing partners to address priority threats and strengthen local capacity to conserve biodiversity.
SCAPES: Social Sustainablity - Ruvuma Landscape
Powerpoint on Ruvuma Landscape for the 2010 SCAPES Annual Meeting.
SCAPES: AWF Kazungula Heartland and Social Sustainability
Powerpoint Presentation on Kazungula Heartland Landscape for the 2010 SCAPES Annual Meeting.
SCAPES: Financial Sustainability - AWF’s Enterprise Approaches
Powerpoint on Kilimanjaro Heartland Landscape Presentation for the 2010 SCAPES Annual Meeting.
SCAPES: Infrastructure development and biodiversity conservation in the Eastern Cordillera Real
2011 SCAPES Annual Meeting at Tidewater Inn Easton, MD: Infrastructure Development and Biodiversity Conservation in the Eastern Cordillera Real, WWF.
SCAPES: Greater Madidi-Tambopata Landscape, Bolivia & Peru - Social Sustainability
Powerpoint on Greater Madidi-Tambopata Landscape Presentation for the 2010 SCAPES Annual Meeting.
SCAPES: Daurian Steppe Governing “Fugitive Resources” Across National Boundaries
Powerpoint on Daurian Steppe Landscape for the 2010 SCAPES Annual Meeting.
SCAPES: Sacred Himalaya Landscape Presentation
Powerpoint on Sacred Himalaya Landscape for the 2010 SCAPES Annual Meeting.
SCAPES: The Ustyurt Landscape Conservation Initiative
Powerpoint on Ustyurt Plateau Landscape for the 2010 SCAPES Annual Meeting.
Scapes Partners: A Review Of Field Based Common Ground On Adaptation
SCAPES is USAID’s largest global conservation initiative.
Beyond Fences
One of the most ambitious and potentially significant conservation developments taking place in southern Africa today is the formation of transfrontier conservation areas (TFCAs).