TransLinks Videos

TransLinks Videos Collection

COMACO Excerpt from TransLinks Video

Apr 16, 2013 · News Item

COMACO is a novel, emerging company in Zambia that is pioneering an innovative way for making markets and conservation work together.

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Introduction to Community Markets for Conservation (COMACO) [Video]

Jun 17, 2012 · News Item

Video on Community Markets for Conservation (COMACO) produced by the Wildlife Conservation Society and General Mills.

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TransLinks - Lessons about Payments for Ecosystem Services and Wildlife-Friendly Enterprise [Video]

Jun 15, 2012 · News Item

To promote transformation by linking natural resources, economic growth, and good governance (or “Nature, Wealth and Power”), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) partnered with the Wildlife Conservation Society, Forest Trends, Enterprise Works/VITA, the Land Tenure Center of the University of Wisconsin, and the Earth Institute of Columbia University, to create TransLinks.

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VIDEO: Kate Hamilton Presents Watershed Report

Sep 07, 2010 · News Item

In this video EM Director Kate Hamilton provids an overview of environmental markets, including the water report presented at the 17th Katoomba Meeting in Hanoi.

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