2010/9 E3B Graduate Seminar - Ecological Foundations of Payment for Ecosystem Service Schemes (New York, USA)
E3B Graduate Seminar, Fall 2010. Department of Ecology, Evolution & Environmental Biology (E3B), Columbia University, New York, NY. This seminar was a collaboration between The Earth Institute, Columbia University and the Wildlife Conservation Society and was supported by USAID through the TransLinks cooperative agreement.
('Biodiversity', 'Trainings & Tools', 'News: USAID NRMD Training Announcements', 'TransLinks', 'PES General', 'The Earth Institute (EI)')
2011 CERC ES and Poverty Course (New York, USA)
January 19 ‐ February 16, 2011, Center for Environmental Research and Conservation (CERC), Columbia University, New York, New York, USA. This course, entitled "Ecosystem Services for Conservation and Poverty Reduction", was a collaboration between The Earth Institute, Columbia University and the Wildlife Conservation Society and was supported by USAID through the TransLinks cooperative agreement.
('News: USAID NRMD Training Announcements', 'TransLinks', 'The Earth Institute (EI)', 'Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)', 'PES General')
2011/1 CERC Course - Ecosystem Services (ES) for Conservation and Poverty Reduction (New York, USA)
January 19 ‐ February 16, 2011, Center for Environmental Research and Conservation (CERC), Columbia University, New York, New York, USA. This course, entitled "Ecosystem Services for Conservation and Poverty Reduction", was a collaboration between The Earth Institute, Columbia University and the Wildlife Conservation Society and was supported by USAID through the TransLinks cooperative agreement.
('Community-based Conservation', 'Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'TransLinks', 'Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)', 'PES', 'CBNRM', 'News: USAID NRMD Training Announcements', 'PES General', 'The Earth Institute (EI)', 'Community-Based Enterprises', 'Trainings & Tools')
2012 PES Bundling and Stacking Workshop (Washington, DC, USA)
April 5-6, 2012, Washington, DC, USA - This workshop on bundling and stacking approaches to payment for ecosystem services (PES) schemes was convened by the TransLinks partnership and was made possible by support from USAID through the TransLinks Cooperative Agreement. The event focused on the key concepts, challenges and opportunities of bundling and stacking ecosystem services, facilitated an exchange of lesson learned, and sought to identify a common framework and guiding principle for for project developers working in different contexts that help them overcome challenges and realize opportunities with respect to bundling and stacking.
('EnterpriseWorks/VITA-Relief International (EWV-RI)', 'Forest Trends (FT)', 'TransLinks', 'Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)', 'Land Tenure Center (LTC)', 'PES General', 'Workshop', 'The Earth Institute (EI)')
2012/4 Bundling and Stacking Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) Workshop (Washington, DC, USA)
April 5-6, 2012, Washington, DC, USA - This workshop on bundling and stacking approaches to payment for ecosystem services (PES) schemes was convened by the TransLinks partnership and was made possible by support from USAID through the TransLinks Cooperative Agreement.
('Biodiversity', 'EnterpriseWorks/VITA-Relief International (EWV-RI)', 'Forest Trends (FT)', 'TransLinks', 'Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)', 'Land Tenure Center (LTC)', 'PES General', 'Workshop', 'The Earth Institute (EI)')
Agenda - MDG Side Event: Localizing Millennium Development Goal 7: Key to Success
Agenda for Millennium Development Goals Side Event entitled "Localizing Millennium Development Goal 7: Key to Success."
('Seminars & Videos', 'TransLinks', 'Biodiversity', 'Agenda', 'The Earth Institute')
Beyond Boundaries Zoning as a Tool to Link Conservation & Development Goals - Draft
Beyond Boundaries Zoning as a Tool to Link Conservation & Development Goals - Draft
('Biodiversity', 'Land Tenure and Zoning', 'The Earth Institute', 'TransLinks', 'Brief', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Biodiversity Conservation and Carbon Sequestration Services of Silvopastoral Practices, Matiguás Río Blanco, Nicaragua
The Silvopastoral Project aimed to increase the use of silvopastoral techniques through technical assistance and payments for ecosystem services (PES) schemes
('Biodiversity', 'The Earth Institute', 'PES Carbon/REDD', 'TransLinks', 'Brief', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Biogeochemical Ecosystem Services
Millenium Villages annual general meeting July 25, 2009 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Pesentation given at the agriculture and environment pre-retreat
('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Presentation', 'Workshop', 'The Earth Institute')
Biogeochemistry of Human wellbeing. Understanding Ecosystem Functiong, Ecosystem Services, and Biogeochemical processes.
The Biogeochemistry of Human wellbeing. Understanding Ecosystem Functiong, Ecosystem Services, and Biogeochemical processes.
('Biodiversity', 'The Earth Institute', 'TransLinks', 'Paper', 'Research Papers & Reports', 'Natural Resource Science')
Biological Diversity and Climate Change: Twins Separated at Birth
Presentation given at USAID TransLinks Brownbag Seminar Series in Washington, D.C.
('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Presentation', 'The Earth Institute', 'Seminars & Videos')
Chico Mendes Law. Addressing social and environmental problems with payments for ecosystems services in Brazil
Chico Mendes Law. Addressing social and environmental problems with payments for ecosystems services in Brazil
('Biodiversity', 'The Earth Institute', 'TransLinks', 'Brief', 'Governance', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Close N‐counters: Visualizing nutrient flows to assist decision‐making at local scales
Presentation given at the 2010 Student Conference on Conservation Science (SCCS‐NY) at the American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY
('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Presentation', 'The Earth Institute', 'Seminars & Videos')
Community Based Joint Forest Management in Tanzania
The strength of this program is its focus on partnerships with local communities to protect the biodiversity of Tanzania’s Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Morogoro and Tanga districts. Community participation informs all decisions that are made to protect biodiversity, ensure sustainable land management, and reduce poverty.
('CBNRM For Review', 'The Earth Institute', 'TransLinks', 'Brief', 'Community-based Forest Management (CBFM)', 'Biodiversity', 'PES Biodiversity', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Compensation in Brazil Redistributing federal taxes for stewardship of protected areas through the ICMS ecologico
Compensation in Brazil Redistributing federal taxes for stewardship of protected areas through the ICMS ecologico
('Biodiversity', 'The Earth Institute', 'TransLinks', 'Brief', 'PES Freshwater/PWS', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Conservation Concession Protecting Forest Ecosystems with payments for ecosystem service in Guyana
Conservation Concession Protecting Forest Ecosystems with payments for ecosystem service in Guyana
('Biodiversity', 'The Earth Institute', 'PES Carbon/REDD', 'TransLinks', 'Brief', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Conservation Concessions in the Maya Biosphere Reserve Why payments for ecological services were not successful in Guatemala
Conservation Concessions in the Maya Biosphere Reserve Why payments for ecological services were not successful in Guatemala
('Biodiversity', 'The Earth Institute', 'TransLinks', 'Brief', 'PES Biodiversity', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Ecological regulation of ecosystem services
Presentation given at the TransLinks value chain workshop entitled: “Value Chain Cases in the Context of Conservation Marketing and Certification” June 25-27, 2009 Arusha, Tanzania
('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Presentation', 'Workshop', 'The Earth Institute')
Ecosystem Services for 2020
Journal Article published by American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Science Magazine, Vol. 330, 15 October 2010.
('Biodiversity', 'The Earth Institute', 'TransLinks', 'Paper', 'Research Papers & Reports', 'PES General', 'PES Biodiversity', 'Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles')
Ecosystem Services: A Primer for Biodiversity Conservation
Ecosystem services: A Primer for Biodiversity Conservation - Why development success depends on the conservation of plant, animal, and microbial diversity and the services they provide. This primer is designed to help clarify what ecosystem services are, what is meant by biodiversity, why the two are inextricably linked, and how sustainable development is ultimately tied to these concepts.
('Biodiversity', 'The Earth Institute', 'Sustainable Land Management', 'Tool', 'TransLinks', 'Biodiversity Conservation', 'Climate Change and Ecosystem Services', 'USAID', 'Natural Resource Science', 'Trainings & Tools', 'Primer', 'Ecosystem Management', 'The Earth Institute (EI)')
Ecosystem Services: A Primer for Biodiversity Conservation - Why development success depends on the conservation of plant, animal, and microbial diversity and the services they provide.
This primer is designed to help clarify what ecosystem services are, what is meant by biodiversity, why the two are inextricably linked, and how sustainable development is ultimately tied to these concepts.
('Ecosystem Services', 'Biodiversity', 'The Earth Institute', 'Sustainable Land Management', 'TransLinks', 'Biodiversity Conservation', 'Sustainable Development', 'Natural Resource Science', 'Primer', 'Trainings & Tools')
Forest Restoration for Climate, Community, and Biodiversity in Tengchong County, China
Both the Forestry Farm and local farmers hold a view that the proposed CDM project activity will contribute to poverty alleviation and environmental benefice (biodiversity conservation and soil erosion control), and lead to sustainable development.
('Biodiversity', 'The Earth Institute', 'PES Carbon/REDD', 'TransLinks', 'Brief', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Fostering Ecosystem Services in the Danube Basin
The One Europe More Nature (OEMN) initiative was created in 2003 to promote integrated river basin management (IRBM) in order to restore floodplains and stimulate sustainable rural development in the region.
('Biodiversity', 'The Earth Institute', 'TransLinks', 'Brief', 'PES Freshwater/PWS', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Joint CARE WWF Scheme: Equitable Payments for Watershed Services, Tanzania, Africa
In an effort to bridge development and conservation, CARE/WWF have formed a joint partnership, exclusively establishing the first corporate framework supporting Payments for Watershed Services (PWS)
('Biodiversity', 'The Earth Institute', 'TransLinks', 'Brief', 'PES Freshwater/PWS', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Kunene Region Torra Conservancy. Addressing social and environmental problems with payments for ecosystem services in Namibia
The Kunene Region Torra Conservancy. Addressing social and environmental problems with payments for ecosystem services in Namibia
('Biodiversity', 'The Earth Institute', 'TransLinks', 'Brief', 'PES Biodiversity', 'Brochures & Briefs')
La Aguada and the Siembra del Agua Project. Addressing social and environmental problems with payments for ecosystem service in Bolivia
La Aguada and the Siembra del Agua Project. Addressing social and environmental problems with payments for ecosystem service in Bolivia
('Biodiversity', 'The Earth Institute', 'TransLinks', 'Brief', 'PES Freshwater/PWS', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Localizing Millennium Development Goal 7: Key to Success (Presentation)
Presentation given at 2010 Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Side Event - New York
('Biodiversity', 'The Earth Institute', 'TransLinks', 'Trainings & Tools', 'Presentation', 'Seminar')
Localizing Millennium Development Goal 7: Ensuring environmental sustainability with meaningful targets
Policy Brief for the Millennium Development Goal Summit 2010 Side Event:
('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Millennium Development Goals (MDG) 2010 Summit - New York', 'Side Event', 'Paper', 'Policy', 'The Earth Institute (EI)')
Mgahinga Bwindi Impenetrable Forest Conservation Trust
Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable (BINP) and Mgahinga Gorilla (MGNP) National Parks protect some of the most biologically diverse tropical forests in East Africa. Both parks conserve rare montane and alpine forests.
('Biodiversity', 'The Earth Institute', 'TransLinks', 'Brief', 'PES Biodiversity', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Payments for Watershed Services Maintaining natural forest cover and ensuring clean water supplies with payments for ecosystem services in Ecuador
Payments for Watershed Services Maintaining natural forest cover and ensuring clean water supplies with payments for ecosystem services in Ecuador
('Biodiversity', 'The Earth Institute', 'TransLinks', 'Brief', 'PES Freshwater/PWS', 'Brochures & Briefs')