Land Tenure Center TransLinks Products

Title Description Subject
2012 PES Bundling and Stacking Workshop (Washington, DC, USA) April 5-6, 2012, Washington, DC, USA - This workshop on bundling and stacking approaches to payment for ecosystem services (PES) schemes was convened by the TransLinks partnership and was made possible by support from USAID through the TransLinks Cooperative Agreement. The event focused on the key concepts, challenges and opportunities of bundling and stacking ecosystem services, facilitated an exchange of lesson learned, and sought to identify a common framework and guiding principle for for project developers working in different contexts that help them overcome challenges and realize opportunities with respect to bundling and stacking. ('EnterpriseWorks/VITA-Relief International (EWV-RI)', 'Forest Trends (FT)', 'TransLinks', 'Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)', 'Land Tenure Center (LTC)', 'PES General', 'Workshop', 'The Earth Institute (EI)')
2012/4 Bundling and Stacking Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) Workshop (Washington, DC, USA) April 5-6, 2012, Washington, DC, USA - This workshop on bundling and stacking approaches to payment for ecosystem services (PES) schemes was convened by the TransLinks partnership and was made possible by support from USAID through the TransLinks Cooperative Agreement. ('Biodiversity', 'EnterpriseWorks/VITA-Relief International (EWV-RI)', 'Forest Trends (FT)', 'TransLinks', 'Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)', 'Land Tenure Center (LTC)', 'PES General', 'Workshop', 'The Earth Institute (EI)')
Agencies, Donors and NGOs Interviewed By LTC Team in Ecuador Agencies, Donors and NGOs Interviewed By LTC Team in Ecuador List of Agencies, Donors and NGOs Interviewed By LTC Team in Ecuador ('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Research Papers & Reports', 'Participant List')
Applied Research Summary: The influence of land tenure on forest cover change in Ecuador and implications for REDD investments Applied Research Summary: The influence of land tenure on forest cover change in Ecuador and implications for REDD investments The influence of land tenure on forest cover change in Ecuador and implications for REDD investments ('Biodiversity', 'Land Tenure and Zoning', 'TransLinks', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Research Papers & Reports', 'Report')
Balancing the Needs of People and Wildlife: When Wildlife Damage Crops and Prey on Livestock Balancing the Needs of People and Wildlife: When Wildlife Damage Crops and Prey on Livestock Balancing the Needs of People and Wildlife: When Wildlife Damage Crops and Prey on Livestock. This LTC Brief draws from experience on three continents to outline recent advances in understanding and managing human-wildlife conflicts, with twin objectives of biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation. ('TransLinks', 'Learning Group', 'Sustainable Land Management', 'Gender', 'Human-Wildlife Conflict', 'Brief', 'Governance', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Biodiversity', 'CBNRM', 'Co-Management', 'Wildlife-Friendly Enterprise', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Bear Calendar Bear Calendar Wildlife Friendly Enterprises Bear Calendar ('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Brochure', 'PES Biodiversity', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Capital on the Move: The Changing Relation between Livestock and Labor in Mali, West Africa Capital on the Move: The Changing Relation between Livestock and Labor in Mali, West Africa Capital on the Move: The Changing Relation between Livestock and Labor in Mali, West Africa. In dryland areas of Africa, livestock play important economic roles as commodities, wealth stores, producers of products, and agents of environmental change. Conventional depictions of livestock economies in this region have focused (in support or against) on the need for greater engagement of livestock producers with markets supplying meat to urban areas. This paper argues this singular focus has led analysts to ignore two important aspects of livestock economies: livestock as a preferred store of wealth across a wide range of social groups and the need for specialized labor to manage these livestock across open pastures to maintain their productive capacity and limit their negative environmental impacts. In the West African Sahel, the capital-like nature of livestock wealth has become more clear with a growing fraction of the region’s livestock owned by investors with little connection to livestock husbandry. Livestock investments are maintained on a day-to-day basis by hired herders who facilitate access to ephemeral pastures and water. A particular concern is the changing geographies of livestock ownership and the herding labor in relationship to regional pastures (to economic and environmental ends). This relationship will be explored using the case study of the Maasina region of central Mali – a historically important livestock region, which is now undergoing significant labor emigration. Building from a long-term ethnographic engagement with local livestock owners and herders, the results of ownership surveys of livestock herds across a 14- year period and interviews of urban-based emigrants from the study area about investment decisions will be used to analyze the changing geographies of livestock investment and herding labor in the Maasina. ('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Research Papers & Reports', 'PES General', 'Report')
Case study of market-based conservation tools in Ecuador Case study of market-based conservation tools in Ecuador Presentation at LTC Workshop October 2011 ('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Presentation', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Workshop')
Changing forests & overlapping tenure in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Implications for the future implementation of SocioBosque Changing forests & overlapping tenure in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Implications for the future implementation of SocioBosque Presentation from LTC OCT 2011 workshop ('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Presentation', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Workshop')
Changing forests and overlapping tenure in the Ecuadorian Amazon: implications for the future implementation of SocioBosque Changing forests and overlapping tenure in the Ecuadorian Amazon: implications for the future implementation of SocioBosque Draft Version Presented at “Land Tenure and Forest Carbon Management” Workshop, Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, October 21-22, 2011 ('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Presentation', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Workshop')
Collaborative Land Use Planning: Zoning for Conservation and Development in Protected Areas Collaborative Land Use Planning: Zoning for Conservation and Development in Protected Areas Collaborative Land Use Planning: Zoning for Conservation and Development in Protected Areas ('Biodiversity', 'Land Tenure and Zoning', 'Sustainable Land Management', 'TransLinks', 'Brief', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Collaborative Planning for Land Use: Zoning for Conservation and Development in Protected Areas - SPANISH Collaborative Planning for Land Use: Zoning for Conservation and Development in Protected Areas - SPANISH Collaborative Planning for Land Use: Zoning for Conservation and Development in Protected Areas ('Biodiversity', 'Land Tenure and Zoning', 'TransLinks', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Research Papers & Reports', 'Report')
Community engagement and training parabiologists - Midterm Report Community engagement and training parabiologists - Midterm Report Midterm Report for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service International Programs, August 18, 2010 ('Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Sustainable Land Management', 'TransLinks', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Governance', 'Midterm Report', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'USAID', 'CBNRM', 'Research Papers & Reports', 'Report')
Costs of Titling and Registration Projects Costs of Titling and Registration Projects Neo-liberal economic theory is based on the foundation of private property and the market. Private property is the only to make sure that property ends up in the hands of the most efficient producers. And, a property system based on private and individual property rights makes the transactions of property and land (the land market) efficient. With this in mind, donor agencies since the 1980s have promoted and funded the creation of private property land markets in developing countries. ('Biodiversity', 'Land Tenure and Zoning', 'TransLinks', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Research Papers & Reports', 'Report')
Credible Conservation: Using biodiversity monitoring to support incentive programs that protect endangered wildlife Credible Conservation: Using biodiversity monitoring to support incentive programs that protect endangered wildlife Tenure Brief, No. 13: October 2010 - Market-based, economic incentive programs reward land users for conserving environmental services, habitat, or biodiversity. Such programs can be instrumental in protecting endangered wild animals persisting on private lands. To ensure success, these programs must be accompanied by effective monitoring strategies that can reveal whether conservation is occurring or not. ('Biodiversity', 'Land Tenure and Zoning', 'TransLinks', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Brief', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Deforestation vs. Poverty at Kibale National Park, Uganda: A Ten-Year Perspective Deforestation vs. Poverty at Kibale National Park, Uganda: A Ten-Year Perspective Deforestation vs. Poverty at Kibale National Park, Uganda: A Ten-Year Perspective ('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Brief', 'Governance', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Designing "Pro-Poor" Rewards for Ecosystem Services: 2008 LTC Forum agenda Designing "Pro-Poor" Rewards for Ecosystem Services: 2008 LTC Forum agenda Agenda for U.Wisc Land Tenure Center's April 2008 Forum on 'Designing "Pro-Poor" Rewards for Ecosystem Services.' ('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Workshop', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Agenda')
Designing "Pro-Poor" Rewards for Ecosystem Services Spring Forum-Transcript Designing "Pro-Poor" Rewards for Ecosystem Services Spring Forum-Transcript Transcript of speakers presentations at Land Tenure Center's 2008 Spring Forum, "Designing 'Pro-Poor' Rewards for Ecosystem Services" ('Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Sustainable Land Management', 'Rewards for Ecosystem Services', 'TransLinks', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Workshop', 'CBNRM', 'Unequal Power', 'Presentation')
Designing Pro-poor Rewards for Ecosystem Services: Lessons from the United States? Designing Pro-poor Rewards for Ecosystem Services: Lessons from the United States? Designing Pro-poor Rewards for Ecosystem Services: Lessons from the United States? ('Biodiversity', 'Learning Group', 'Sustainable Land Management', 'Rewards for Ecosystem Services', 'TransLinks', 'Brief', 'US', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'CBNRM', 'PES General', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Does Community Forestry Provide a Suitable Platform for REDD? A Case Study from Oddar Meanchey, Cambodia Does Community Forestry Provide a Suitable Platform for REDD? A Case Study from Oddar Meanchey, Cambodia Presentation at LTC Workshop Oct 2011 ('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Community-based Forest Management (CBFM)', 'Workshop', 'Presentation')
Does secure land tenure save forests? A review of the relationship between land tenure and tropical deforestation (CCAFS Working Paper No. 7) Does secure land tenure save forests? A review of the relationship between land tenure and tropical deforestation (CCAFS Working Paper No. 7) Deforestation and degradation are tied to a complex array of socioeconomic and political factors. As noted in studies focusing on large-scale policy interventions such as REDD+ and payment for ecosystem services programs, among the most important of these factors is land tenure and land tenure security. This paper reviews past literature connecting forest outcomes and land tenure to better understand broad relationships between land tenure form, land tenure security and forest outcomes. From a theoretical perspective, clear and secure forest tenure can have either a positive or negative impact on forested land, depending on political and economic conditions. We review over 100 empirical cases of forest outcomes under specific land tenure conditions and find that land tenure security is associated with less deforestation, regardless of the form of tenure. State-owned protected forests are associated with more positive forest outcomes relative to private, communal and public land. We discuss consistency and identification issues in the current literature around deforestation and land tenure, and provide suggestions for future studies and implementation issues for policymakers. For more information contact: Brian E. Robinson, Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota (, Lisa Naughton, Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin/Madison (, or Mike Colby, USAID ( Featured September, 2012. ('Tropical Deforestation', 'Land Tenure and Zoning', 'PES Carbon/REDD', 'TransLinks', 'Feature', 'Biodiversity', 'Land Tenure Center (LTC)', 'Other Research and Reports', 'News: USAID NRMD Featured Stories', 'CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CC=AFS)')
Eco-bursaries as incentives for conservation around Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, Kenya Incentives used to encourage local residents to support conservation range from integrated conservation and development Projects (ICDPs), which indirectly connect improved livelihoods with biodiversity protection, to direct payments for ecosystem services (PES). A unique hybrid between these two strategies, Arabuko-Sokoke Schools and Ecotourism Scheme (ASSETS), provides secondary-school bursaries to encourage stewardship of a biodiverse, highly imperiled Kenyan forest. Using household surveys and semi-structured interviews, we assess the effectiveness of ASSETS by comparing attitudes and perceptions toward the forest among scheme beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries. ('Eco-Bursaries', 'Biodiversity', 'Conservation', 'Land Tenure Center (LTC)', 'TransLinks')
Ecological Complexity and the Management of Common Property Resources Ecological Complexity and the Management of Common Property Resources Many community-based conservation programs are designed without carefully considering goals, community capacities, and the ecology of the common property resource. This LTC Brief outlines factors that can improve common property management. ('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Brief', 'Natural Resource Science', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Estimating Avoided Deforestation by Protection type: Can governance plus location equal forest plus livelihoods? Estimating Avoided Deforestation by Protection type: Can governance plus location equal forest plus livelihoods? Powerpoint Talk from LTC workshop oct 2011 ('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Presentation', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Workshop')
Explaining multiple outcomes on forest commons: Livelihoods, carbon, & biodiversity Explaining multiple outcomes on forest commons: Livelihoods, carbon, & biodiversity Keynote presentation at LTC Oct 2011 Workshop ('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Presentation', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Workshop')
Forest commons, REDD+ and Tenure Security in Africa Forest commons, REDD+ and Tenure Security in Africa Presentation at LTC Workshop Oct 2011 ('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Community-based Forest Management (CBFM)', 'Workshop', 'Presentation')
Forest commons, REDD+ and tenure security in Africa Draft paper presented at the LTC October 2011 Workshop on Land Tenure and Forest Carbon Management ('Biodiversity', 'Land Tenure and Zoning', 'TransLinks', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Workshop', 'Report')
Forest Conservation and Slippage: Evidence from Mexico's National Payments for Ecosystem Services Program (Presentation) Forest Conservation and Slippage: Evidence from Mexico's National Payments for Ecosystem Services Program (Presentation) Presentation by Land Tenure Center ('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Presentation', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Workshop')
Gender and Shifting Water Governance: Differential Effects of Privatization, Commodification, and Democratization Gender and Shifting Water Governance: Differential Effects of Privatization, Commodification, and Democratization Gender and Shifting Water Governance: Differential Effects of Privatization, Commodification, and Democratization ('Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Governance', 'Brief', 'Brochures & Briefs')
Gobernanza de Bosques Y Redd+: Estudios de Caso del Ecuador  Gobernanza de Bosques Y Redd+: Estudios de Caso del Ecuador La tenencia de la tierra y los derechos de propiedad de los bosques son temas críticos para la nueva ola de instrumentos de política, basados en incentivos que tienen por objeto salvaguardar los bienes públicos que se encuentran en los bosques tropicales (como carbono, agua y biodiversidad), al valorar los bienes y los servicios que prestan y al pagar a las personas que los protegen (Bruce et al. 2010). El perfil más reciente y alto de estos instrumentos, REDD + (Reducción de Emisiones por Deforestación y Degradación), está atrayendo una inversión internacional importante. ('Forest Governance', 'Spanish', 'Land Tenure and Zoning', 'PES Carbon/REDD', 'TransLinks', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Governance', 'Land Tenure', 'Biodiversity', 'Land Tenure Center (LTC)', 'Land Tenure and Property Rights (LTPR)', 'REDD+ Payments', 'REDD+', 'Ecuador', 'Forest Carbon')
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