
Research on land tenure, forest governance, and land use change in the northern Ecuadorian Amazon

Research on land tenure, forest governance, and land use change in the northern Ecuadorian Amazon

Author(s): Margaret Holland

Publication Date: 2010

Location: Ecuador


OVERVIEW: As part of our overall engagement with partners in Ecuador, we are performing research in the provinces of Sucumbios and Orellana, in the northern Ecuadorian Amazon, referred to locally as the “Oriente”. We explore the relationship between land tenure and land use change in this region, looking specifically at land tenure security, deforestation, and the varying impacts of different forms of forest management and land tenure on forest cover outcomes. Our two main studies, along with information on our partners, are outlined below. A primary objective of this overall body of research is to help inform the ongoing implementation, monitoring, and amplification of Ecuador’s national PES program, SocioBosque.

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