TransLinks Products 2012

Title Description Subject
Agenda - 2012 Bundling and Stacking PES Workshop Agenda - 2012 Bundling and Stacking PES Workshop Agenda for 2012 Bundling and Stacking Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) Workshop held April 5-6, 2012 in Washington, DC, USA. ('Biodiversity', 'AFR Bureau Environmental Policy and Institutional Strengthening (ENCAP)', 'TransLinks', 'Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)', 'Workshop', 'Agenda', 'PES General')
Bundling and Stacking for Maximizing Social, Ecological, and Economic Benefits: A Framing Paper for Discussion at the “Bundling and Stacking Workshop”, April 5-6, 2012 Bundling and Stacking for Maximizing Social, Ecological, and Economic Benefits: A Framing Paper for Discussion at the “Bundling and Stacking Workshop”, April 5-6, 2012 Framing paper for the "Bundling and Stacking Workshop” held April 5-6, 2012 in Washington, D.C., convened by the TransLinks partnership, with support from USAID through the TransLinks Cooperative Agreement. This paper explores some of the risks and benefits of bundling and stacking approaches to payments for ecosystem services (PES) and identifies key questions that need to be answered to support the successful use and adoption of these mechanisms. It will focus on these issues with respect to two categories of ecosystem service markets and payment programs: (1) offsets and mitigation credits and (2) conservation payments and incentives (also known as payments for ecosystem services (PES). THIS IS A DRAFT DOCUMENT. ('Community-Based Natural Resource Management', 'Biodiversity', 'CBNRM', 'Learning Group')
Does secure land tenure save forests? A review of the relationship between land tenure and tropical deforestation (CCAFS Working Paper No. 7) Does secure land tenure save forests? A review of the relationship between land tenure and tropical deforestation (CCAFS Working Paper No. 7) Deforestation and degradation are tied to a complex array of socioeconomic and political factors. As noted in studies focusing on large-scale policy interventions such as REDD+ and payment for ecosystem services programs, among the most important of these factors is land tenure and land tenure security. This paper reviews past literature connecting forest outcomes and land tenure to better understand broad relationships between land tenure form, land tenure security and forest outcomes. From a theoretical perspective, clear and secure forest tenure can have either a positive or negative impact on forested land, depending on political and economic conditions. We review over 100 empirical cases of forest outcomes under specific land tenure conditions and find that land tenure security is associated with less deforestation, regardless of the form of tenure. State-owned protected forests are associated with more positive forest outcomes relative to private, communal and public land. We discuss consistency and identification issues in the current literature around deforestation and land tenure, and provide suggestions for future studies and implementation issues for policymakers. For more information contact: Brian E. Robinson, Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota (, Lisa Naughton, Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin/Madison (, or Mike Colby, USAID ( Featured September, 2012. ('Tropical Deforestation', 'Land Tenure and Zoning', 'PES Carbon/REDD', 'TransLinks', 'Feature', 'Biodiversity', 'Land Tenure Center (LTC)', 'Other Research and Reports', 'News: USAID NRMD Featured Stories', 'CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CC=AFS)')
Eco-bursaries as incentives for conservation around Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, Kenya Incentives used to encourage local residents to support conservation range from integrated conservation and development Projects (ICDPs), which indirectly connect improved livelihoods with biodiversity protection, to direct payments for ecosystem services (PES). A unique hybrid between these two strategies, Arabuko-Sokoke Schools and Ecotourism Scheme (ASSETS), provides secondary-school bursaries to encourage stewardship of a biodiverse, highly imperiled Kenyan forest. Using household surveys and semi-structured interviews, we assess the effectiveness of ASSETS by comparing attitudes and perceptions toward the forest among scheme beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries. ('Eco-Bursaries', 'Biodiversity', 'Conservation', 'Land Tenure Center (LTC)', 'TransLinks')
Forest Conservation and Slippage: Evidence from Mexico’s National Payments for Ecosystem Services Program Forest Conservation and Slippage: Evidence from Mexico’s National Payments for Ecosystem Services Program We investigate a Mexican federal program that compensates landowners for forest protection. We use matched controls from the program applicant pool to establish counterfactual deforestation rates. Deforestation was reduced by 50% in enrolled parcels, but expected average clearing rates without the program were low (0.8% per year), suggesting modest total avoided deforestation benefits. We test for two types of slippage: increased deforestation on other property belonging to program recipients and increased deforestation within markets where there are high levels of program participation. We find evidence of both, with substitution impacts reducing program effectiveness in common properties by about 4% on average. (JEL O13, Q24) ('TransLinks', 'Translinks', 'Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)', 'Biodiversity', 'Conservation', 'Slippage', 'Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles')
Gobernanza de Bosques Y Redd+: Estudios de Caso del Ecuador  Gobernanza de Bosques Y Redd+: Estudios de Caso del Ecuador La tenencia de la tierra y los derechos de propiedad de los bosques son temas críticos para la nueva ola de instrumentos de política, basados en incentivos que tienen por objeto salvaguardar los bienes públicos que se encuentran en los bosques tropicales (como carbono, agua y biodiversidad), al valorar los bienes y los servicios que prestan y al pagar a las personas que los protegen (Bruce et al. 2010). El perfil más reciente y alto de estos instrumentos, REDD + (Reducción de Emisiones por Deforestación y Degradación), está atrayendo una inversión internacional importante. ('Forest Governance', 'Spanish', 'Land Tenure and Zoning', 'PES Carbon/REDD', 'TransLinks', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Governance', 'Land Tenure', 'Biodiversity', 'Land Tenure Center (LTC)', 'Land Tenure and Property Rights (LTPR)', 'REDD+ Payments', 'REDD+', 'Ecuador', 'Forest Carbon')
Lessons about Land Tenure, Forest Governance and REDD+ Featured Jan 10, 2012 Lessons about Land Tenure, Forest Governance and REDD+ Featured Jan 10, 2012 This volume of case studies comprises one of two main publications resulting from the Oct. 21-22, 2011 Land Tenure and Forest Carbon Management Workshop hosted by the University of Wisconsin/Madison’s Land Tenure Center (LTC), Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, and Geography Dept. Contributed by an impressive array of researchers, NGOs, and other development partners, these cases are intended to complement a set of research papers being prepared simultaneously for a forthcoming special issue of World Development. ('Synthesis Documents', 'Wealth', 'PES Carbon', 'PES Carbon/REDD', 'Feature', 'Land Tenure Center (LTC)', 'REDD+', 'Nature, Wealth, and Power (NWP)', 'NWP', 'Power', 'Nature', 'Report', 'News: USAID NRMD Featured Stories', '2012', 'Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Case Studies', 'Land Tenure and Property Rights (LTPR)', 'Case & Country Studies', 'NWP For Review', 'Land Tenure and Zoning', 'Learning Group', 'Nature, Wealth, and Power', 'Case Study')
Lessons on Land Tenure, Governance and REDD+. Case Studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America. Lessons on Land Tenure, Governance and REDD+. Case Studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America. An edited set of case studies based on presentations at the LTC/Translinks sponsored Workshop in October 2011. The volume is 112 pages and contains 9 case studies, an introductory chapter and a preface by USAID's Michael Colby. ('Synthesis Documents', 'Land Tenure and Zoning', 'PES Carbon', 'TransLinks', 'Case Study', 'Biodiversity', 'Land Tenure Center (LTC)', 'Case & Country Studies', 'Report')
POSTER: Lessons About Land Tenure, Forest Governance And Redd+: Case Studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America POSTER: Lessons About Land Tenure, Forest Governance And Redd+: Case Studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America Substantial international investment in REDD holds promise for forest protection, but the world’s most carbon-heavy forests tend to be located in places where ownership is ill-defined or contested. If REDD investments are to be effective and fair to local forest-dependent communities, tenure issues must be addressed. Here we showcase early efforts to evaluate and clarify tenure and strengthen local forest governance. ('Forest Governance', 'Biodiversity', 'TransLinks', 'Land Tenure', 'Land Tenure Center (LTC)', 'REDD+')
Presentation: Does secure land tenure save forests? A review of the relationship between land tenure and tropical deforestation! Presentation: Does secure land tenure save forests? A review of the relationship between land tenure and tropical deforestation! Presentation by Brian Robinson, Margaret Holland, and Lisa Naughton-Treves on the relationship between land tenure and tropical deforestation. For More Information: Brian E. Robinson, Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota, Lisa Naughton, Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin/Madison, Mike Colby, USAID ('Tropical Deforestation', 'Land Tenure and Zoning', 'PES Carbon/REDD', 'TransLinks', 'Land Tenure Center', 'Biodiversity', 'Other Research and Reports', 'Seminar', 'CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)')
TransLinks: Promoting Transformations by linking Nature, Wealth and Power - Final Technical Report TransLinks: Promoting Transformations by linking Nature, Wealth and Power - Final Technical Report The TransLinks program (2006-2012) - a major initiative of the United States Agency for International Development, Office of Land Tenure and Resource Management within the Bureau of Economic Growth, Education and Environment. Over 5.5-years, the Wildlife Conservation Society with its partners, Forest Trends, Enterprise Works/VITA (a division of Relief International), the Nelson Institute/Land Tenure Center at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and the Earth Institute/Center for Environmental Research and Conservation at Columbia University, identified, developed, and disseminated lessons, best practices, and tools from projects that promote the integration of nature, wealth and power around the world. Featured October, 2013. ('NWP2', 'NWP', 'Wealth', 'Wildlife Friendly Certification', 'EnterpriseWorks/VITA-Relief International (EWV-RI)', 'Forest Trends (FT)', 'TransLinks', 'Feature', 'PES', 'Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)', 'Nature', 'Biodiversity', 'Nature, Wealth, and Power (NWP)', 'Power', 'Wildlife Conservation Society', 'Nature, Wealth, and Power', 'News: USAID NRMD Featured Stories', 'Learning Group')
Watershed Workshop Rwanda Presentation 2012.pdf Watershed Workshop Rwanda Presentation 2012.pdf TRANSLINKS File ('Biodiversity',)
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