Docuseries: The Last Free Rhinos Episode 1: Introduction
The Namibia Nature Foundation, with contributions from World Wildlife Fund, Save the Rhino Trust Namibia and Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation, and proudly supported by USAID Southern Africa through a grant from USAID’s VukaNow Activity, produced a docuseries entitled The Last Free Rhinos, which focuses on community rhino conservation efforts. Shot 2022-05-12 at 4.56.32 PM.png
Docuseries: The Last Free Rhinos Episode 1: Introduction
The Namibia Nature Foundation, with contributions from World Wildlife Fund, Save the Rhino Trust Namibia and Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation, and proudly supported by USAID Southern Africa through a grant from USAID’s VukaNow Activity, produced a docuseries entitled The Last Free Rhinos, which focuses on community rhino conservation efforts.
This four-part docuseries highlights the collaboration between USAID, the Namibian government, NGOs, and communities that live with wildlife in combatting wildlife crime. It showcases the importance of interagency collaboration and community participation in combatting wildlife crime, and can provide insights for other countries in the SADC region on how this can be done in their own landscapes.